Dear Resident of Filby
The principal behind the Flyer is to keep all residents informed what is happening in the village and to encourage you to get involved in any way you can.
Filby in Bloom
Thanks to a lot of hard work Filby won the Best Kept Village in Great Yarmouth and Anglia in Bloom both with a Silver Gilt award. We continue to meet Saturday Mornings, 9am start at Filby Post Office.
Anglia in Bloom Seminar
This is on Thursday 15th November at Bury St Edmunds, any one wishing to go ring 01493 369250.
Filby Playing Field Fireworks
Sunday 4th November. Gates open at 5pm, the Bonfire lit at 6pm. Bar BBQ, Teas and Jacket Potatoes . Adults £3 Children £2.
Waste Paper
Please continue to leave your waste paper at Filby Post Office, the proceeds go towards Filby Playing Field and the new Hall Fund. The School paper bank is now situated on the Parish Car Park please continue to use this to support school trips etc.
New Hall Fund
You can still buy a brick in memory of someone at the Post Office. We have submitted our Lottery application and wait now till December to see if we have been considered for Lottery funding.
The next Bingo is on Friday 9th November in the Clubroom, eyes down at 7.30pm.
Grand Christmas Bazaar
Saturday 1st December 10am till 2pm in the Clubroom. Cakes, Gifts, Basket Raffle and refreshments proceeds to the new Hall Fund. Contact Jenny on 01493 369250
Conservative Annual Christmas Dinner
Saturday 12th January 7.30pm Filby Bridge Restaurant, contact David on 01493 369250 to get tickets.
Filby Village Calendars
These have been designed by Keith and Lesley Johnson, they are available at Filby Post Office or contact Lesley on 01493 369536.
Costs £5 profits to new hall fund.
Cans, bottles and shoes can already be re-cycled at Filby Post Office. A new addition in conjunction with the Salvation Army is a clothes bank which will be installed this month.
Village Green Initiative
The in Bloom team in conjunction with DEFRA and Energy Plus will be holding a meeting to look at renewable energy and reducing the C02 emissions as a community. Details to follow.
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