There are a number of groups active within the village..

If you think your club or organisation should be included on this page please contact the .

Filby & District W.I.

From the 16th July 2009 meetings will be held in the Clubroom, Main Road at 2.00 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month
New members are always welcomed

W. I. News

To learn more about our activities please see the latest reports included in Village Voice, which is published weekly, or visit our web pages at:

For details of officers, meetings, subscriptions etc. go to: Additional information

For our current programme please visit: The 2013 programme of meetings and events

Details of our past programmes can be found at:

Filby Computer Club

The Computer Club meets each Tuesday morning at 10a.m. in the Clubroom. The cost is £2.50 per session including refreshments. Membership is not restricted to Filby residents.
Members met for the first time on 1st March 2011 after a survey had been carried out to confirm the degree of potential support for the activity.
Members represent a wide range of ages, skills, interests and familiarity with computers from novice onwards. Advice and instruction on how to get the best out of your machine is shared.
Wireless connection to the internet has been provided by the Parish Council.
We are currently setting up our own page, on this website, the content of which is to be determined by the members and we are creating a member's email discussion forum.
New members are always welcome. Just turn up or email the address at the bottom of this page

The Craft Group

The Craft Group meets at the Clubroom, Main Road every Monday between 1.00p.m. and 4.00p.m.
It costs £1 which includes refreshments.
Everyone is welcome whatever your interests or abilities.
Contact Jenny on 369250

Filby and Runham Football Club

We have been informed that the Filby and Runham Football Club has been reconstituted. Details can be found at their website at

Filby Parent & Toddler Group

Please Note the Changes of venue and times.
We meet weekly every Wednesday (term time only).
At the new school hall, Thrigby Road from 9 o'clock 'til 11 a.m.
The cost is £2.00 for 1 adult and 1 child. Any additional children are 50p each.
All the children can enjoy various activities including a healthy snack and lots of lovely toys in a safe and friendly environment.
If your looking for a fun time for you and your child, and an opportunity to make new friends, please feel free to come along and join us in providing an exciting time for all.
For further information please telephone 01493 369797

Filby Bowls Club


The Bowls Club is located on Main Road by the Playing Field.
New members, players and supporters, are always welcome.
Contact: Hon. Sec. Beryl Payne on 01493 652303.

14th September 2013

Filby Bowls club held their end of season social night at the Fox & Hounds Public House on Thrigby Road.
Presentations were made to the following who won in house competitions:
Basil Secker Cup - Linda Jenkins and Norman Ellis who won the mixed doubles
Henry Hunn Cup - Tom Courteney
Kibby Tennant Trophy - John Baldry
Ruth Elderkin Cup - Steve Elderkin - Men's Singles
Terry Payne Memorial Cup - Ted Franklin
Members enjoyed a fun quiz and a fine buffet kindly prepared by the Fox and Hounds.
Thanks to all who attended and John Baldry for arranging the evening.