sun sign Filby snow sign

Filby Broad is part of an enclosed system of broads known collectively as the Trinity Broads.

The Trinity Broads, are a Site of Special Scientific Interest, SSSI, and hold other designations, they are also special in that they are totally enclosed and do not connect with the rest of the system.

As they are used as a source of drinking water, they are subject to special regulations to prevent the risk of contaminating the supply. For instance only rowing and sailing craft are allowed and they are controlled, well the only exception allowed an engine is the rescue craft at the sailing base.

You can always visit Village Voice for the most up to date information.


Canoe Trips on the Trinities - great offer

Enjoy a guided canoe trail on the lesser-known Trinity Broads. Come and discover the wildlife and history, and find out about the management of the area from the water, exploring from the top of Rollesby Broad into Ormesby Little Broad.
There is an instructor on hand and all the canoe equipment and a buoyancy aids are supplied.
Currently places are offered at £20 adult and £5 child.
Please note this is first come first serve only and places are limited.
Payment is made at point of booking.
Dates & Times
Sat 3rd Aug 2013 at 10:00 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 16:00
Wed 7th Aug 2013 at 10:00 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 16:00
Sun 11th Aug 2013 at 10:00 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 16:00
Please book via the Hoveton TIC. For details of future trips and other events please visit the website)

In 2010 the Broads formed an important theme for our "in Bloom" activities.

2010 also proved interesting from the point of view of our wildlife. The winter, when pretty much all of the Broad was frozen over from time to time, provided us with some spectacular pictures and reminded us of a time when skating on the broad was not unknown.

About that time I saw a fox on the ice with a coot, I think, in its mouth, making its way across the entrance of Little Broad. Unfortunately I did not have my camera with me, I never seem to on these occassions, but I know it was photographed and would appreciate a copy if at all possible. At about this time I am told an otter with five kits was also seen.

Since February Ken Saul has reported seeing three individual Bitterns on a number of occassions. On Saturday February 20th he saw a Slavonian Grebe in winter plumage.


This sighting was independently confirmed the following day. Later the numbers of this rare visitor rose to a reported five on Monday 15th, four on Ormesby Broad and one on Filby Broad.

The remainder of the winter was notable for the number of Goldeneye resident though they eventually moved away leaving us eagerly anticipating the arrival of our summer migrants.

A lot of interest was generated by the sightings and to the develop the interest it would be helpful if future reports of interesting sightings, pictures and such could be emailed to me for inclusion on these pages. Full credit will be given. I can consider creating a mailing list if there is enough interest.

First Sightings

The earliest sightings of a Swallow I heard about was on 29th March.
By the 1st April their numbers had risen to twelve and the first Sand Martins and House Martins had arrived.
There were sightings of two Rough Legged Buzzards and of a Common Buzzard.
On Monday 5th April 2012 the first Blackcap arrived.
We then got on with the business of village events and successfully achieved a Gold in Anglia in Bloom.

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Other Bits:

Some continue to be written or revised.

Additions and Revisions
In 2010, to help you find the most recent information, we launched this page. It contains direct links to new pages and those most recently revised.

Filby Calendar 2013

After much soul searching our 2013 calendar has finally been launched, it is a limited edition on the theme: "Filby Celebrates" to commemorate a memorable year in the village. Any profits will be going to the New Community Centre Fund.
It is necessary to be increase it to £8.00 to reflect the extra cost of materials. Any post and packing is extra.
As well as some 2012 calendars, earlier calendars for 2008, 2009 and 2010, are still available via this website by sending an email to the address below.
The price is £7.00 plus post and packaging.

Voices from the Past

On 20th October 2009, we started publishing a weekly "Filby News" bulletin on the Village Voice page.
Then we got to wondering what our forebears considered worthy of record and what they were doing one hundred and twenty years ago. This page is the result. Since January 2010 we have published, month by month, the Victorian equivalent of Village Voice starting with January 1890.

New Community Centre

For some time much village fund raising has centred on this project. We have now reached a stage where things are starting to show visible progress and a new application for lottery funding is again in preparation. To help us bring this to completion please support local events and initiatives.


This building is a bit special as it is one of the last two 'clay lump' structures in the village.

Clubs & Groups

If you wish to publicise your club, or organisation, and it is based in Filby or relevant to our village, please email the webmaster at the address at the bottom of every page.

F.E.P.O.W. Memorial Bed

Originally created in 2008, and further developed with permanent features in 2009.
The Far Eastern Prisoners of War Memorial Bed is our recognition of the deprivations they suffered.

Filby Community Orchard

Phase One 2008

Alright; so it was only 21 one year old maiden trees but it was a start. We still planted 50% more trees than we initially planned.
In Phase Two, 2009, 30 trees were bought and planted. The orchard area was greatly expanded and now features the 'wild life' garden.
For Phase Three, 2010, at its September 2009 meeting the Parish Council agreed to allocate additional land to the Community Orchard Project. We now had space for another 36 or so trees and these were planted in late February 2011 bringing the total to 72 trees.

Filby: Local Roots

Bringing together Filby's past and present.

This project was developed and expanded with further exhibitions held in 2010, 2011 and 2012. It includes the collection of wedding photographs first shown in the Church during Open Gardens weekend 2009 and continually developed, and much, much more.
We would welcome the opportunity to see any photographs, pictures, recordings or documents relating to Filby you may be willing to share. We are still interested in memories of the Silver Jubilee and other village celebrations.

Rev. 2rd January 2013