- Thursday 15th September 2016
- Thursday 12th May 2016
- Thursday 24th March 2016
- Wednesday 2nd December 2015
- Wednesday 9th September 2015
- Monday 11th May 2015
- Monday 9th March 2015
- Monday 24th November 2014
- Monday 22nd September 2014
- Friday 16th May 2014
- Thursday 6th March 2014
- Friday 6th December 2013
- Friday 30th August 2013
- Monday 29th April 2013
- Friday 15th March 2013
- Monday 12th November 2012
- Monday 30th July 2012
- Thursday 3rd May 2012
- Monday 26th March 2012
- Tuesday 22nd November 2011
- Tuesday 6th October 2011
- Tuesday 7th June 2011
- Monday 12th May 2011
- Monday 28th March 2011
- Wednesday 1st December 2010
- Monday 27th September 2010
- Tuesday 11th May 2010
- Thursday 1st April 2010
- Monday 11th January 2010
- Monday 28th September 2009
- Tuesday 12th May 2009
- Monday 23rd March 2009
- Tuesday 25th November 2008
- Thursday 25th September 2008
- Wednesday 14th May 2008
- Wednesday 12th March 2008
- Friday 25th January 2008
- Wednesday 14th November 2007
- Wednesday 29th August 2007
- Wednesday 11th July 2007
- Wednesday 27th June 2007
To see the Minutes of the most recent Meeting of the Parish Council please click here
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Summaries of Parish Council Meeting Minutes
Summary of Minutes Parish Council Meeting Thursday 15th September, 2016
Thursday 15th September 2016
- Highways report that developer will reconstruct footpath adjacent to new 3 house development opposite former Fox and Hounds during October half-term.
- Highways report that they are trying to reduce the amount of sign clutter on the road network in Norfolk, and cannot put in place wildlife signs on the main road.
- Noted approval of renewal of planning permission for board mounted sign on Main Road o/s bowling green.
- Noted approval of erection of detached bungalow with integral garage and new vehicular access at land adjoining Field View, Main Road.
- Noted approval of erection of 8 dwellings and improved vehicular access on Main Road opposite Church Lane.
- Resolved to offer «no objection» to Broads Authority re-serving of Tree Preservation Orders on Main Road, Thrigby Road and Church Lane.
- Resolved to object to proposed 7 dwelling residential development off Main Road adjacent to Filby Hall.
- Received Playing Field Committee report of August meeting.
- GYBC report that following a local nomination the King's Head public house has been successful in being listed as an Asset of Community Value.
- Received Audit Commission «all clear» on 2015/2016 Annual Accounts.
- Received report from Borough Councillor Haydn Thirtle.
- Received report from County Councillor Michael Carttiss.
- Received Police Crime Report from PC Richard Cook for period February, 2016 to end of August - 33 calls received for minor incidents, and 1 reported crime of a domestic related matter.
Thursday 12th May 2016
Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Parish Council Meeting
- Received Chairmans report from Mr. D. Thompson.
- Received Financial report from the Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer.
- Received Poor Trust report from Mr. D. Thompson.
- Received Playing Field report from Mr. A. Thompson.
- Received All Saints Church report from Revd. Graham Steel.
- Received Filby Primary School report from Wendy Yassin.
- Elected Mr. David Thompson as Chairman, and Mr. Adrian Thompson as Vice-Chairman for the ensuing year.
- Approved Annual Accounts for 2015/2016 subject to Audit.
- Noted approval of barn conversion to form 4 residential barns and rebuild cart lodge at Hall Farm, Main Road.
- Received report from Borough Councillor Haydn Thirtle, this included Devolution update and Committee changes in the Borough Council.
- Received Police Crime Report from PC Richard Cook for period 1 April, 2015 to end of March 2016. 168 calls received for minor incidents, and 16 reported crimes which were primarily domestic related matters with the exception of 4 thefts and 3 burglaries. PC Cook also reported that the PCSO Paul Edwards continues to carry out important engagement work in the village, which includes regular foot and mobile patrols.
Thursday 24th March 2016
- Highways report that small drainage scheme opposite school has been re-scheduled for next financial year.
- Noted approval of construction of 4 dwellings & associated garaging and parking at Glebe Farm, Main Road.
- Noted approval of replacement post mounted sign at corner of Main Road and Brown’s Lane.
- Noted approval of rebuilding detached garage damaged by fire at “Wedgewood”, Main Road.
- Noted approval of proposed new 2mt. high garden wall at Grange Farm, Main Road.
- Noted approval of new vehicular access to 2 holiday cottages at Filby Hall, Main Road.
- Received Playing Field Committee report of meeting held on Tuesday 22nd March.
- Received report from Borough Councillor Haydn Thirtle, this included “Devolution” update, and details of Community Grant Fund to celebrate the Queen's 90th. Birthday.
- Councillor Peter Chapman reported on “mud pumping” exercise of Filby Broad which starts in October this year.
- Received Police Crime Report from PC Richard Cook for period September, 2015 to end of February 2016. 54 calls received for minor incidents, and 9 reported crimes which were primarily domestic related matters with exception of a shed burglary recorded in January.
- There are still 2 vacant garden plot allotments off Thrigby Road. Applications for these plots to be made in writing to the Clerk, David Balls, Manor House, Church Lane, Filby, NR29 3HW or telephone 01493368246.
- Playing Field grass cutting contract again awarded to Mr. Andrew Tuddenham.
- Received Parish Precept and Concurrent Grant details from Great Yarmouth Borough Council.
Wednesday 2nd December 2015
- Highways Department report that as the Main Road is street lit they will not provide further 30 mph repeater signs to that which is already in place.
- Noted approval of replacement cattle shed within farmyard at Heath Farm, Nova Scotia Road
- Noted approval of proposed agricultural storage barn at Boat House Poultry Farm, Main Road
- Resolved to «object» to construction of 4 new dwellings and associated garaging and parking at Glebe Farm, Main Road.
- Borough Councillor Mr. Haydn Thirtle reported that Ward Budget grants for «Good Causes» will be awarded to the Short Mat Bowls Group, Computer Group and the Cinema Club.
- Resolved to offer «no objections» to new 2 mt. garden wall at Grange Farm. Main Road
- Two small garden plots off Thrigby Road have been vacated. Applications for these plots to be made in writing to the Clerk, David Balls, Manor House, Church Lane, Filby, NR293HW.
- The Parish Precept of £8,800 was agreed. This was calculated so that expected expenditure would balance out of expected income. The good news is that the Parish Council has decided not to increase the precept figure again for the fourth year running,
- Received Police Crime report from PC Richard Cook for period May to August: 37 calls received for minor incidents, and 1 reported crime of criminal damage.
Wednesday 9th September 2015
- Highways Department report that small drainage scheme on Thrigby Road opposite the school will take place in February next year, and Main Road drainage scheme from Ormesby Lane to pond will, funds permitting, be completed by the end of this year.
- Noted prior approval of conversion of agricultural building to 2 dwellings at Market Road
- Noted approval of variation of condition 2 of planning application for residential development at Grange Farm, Main Road.
- Resolved to offer «no objections» to agricultural storage barn at Boat House Farm, Main Road.
- Received Audit Commission «all clear» on 2014/2015 annual accounts.
- Two small garden plots off Thrigby Road will be vacated in October. Applications for these plots to be made in writing to the Clerk, David Balls, Manor House, Church Lane, Filby, NR293HW.
- Received Police Crime report from PC Richard Cook for period May to August:- 47 calls received for minor incidents, and 2 reported crimes: 1 shed burglary and 1 theft from a motor vehicle.
- Police to be requested to carry out more regular “peak time” speed checks on Main Road through village.
- Highways to be asked to consider the placement of more 30 mph repeater signs on Main Road.
Monday 11th May 2015
Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Parish Council Meeting
- Received Chairman's report from Mr. D. Thompson.
- Received Financial report from the Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer.
- Received Poor Trust report from Mr. D. Thompson.
- Received Playing Field report from Mr. A. Thompson.
- Received All Saints Church report from Revd Graham Steel.
- Received Filby Academy report from Chairman of school governors, Revd Graham Steel.
- There was an «uncontested election» affecting the Parish Council elections - all 7 existing Parish Councillors submitted nomination papers and were again elected to serve on the Parish Council.- Mr. D. Thompson, Mr. A. Thompson, Mr. P. Hudson, Mrs. L. Elms, Mr. D. Shaw, Mr. J. Baldry, and Mr. P. Chapman'
- Elected Mr. David Thompson as Chairman, and Mr. Adrian Thompson as Vice Chairman for the ensuing year.
- Noted the approval of new outbuilding for domestic gymnasium and hobby room at Conkers, Main Road.
- Noted approval of new extension at Loke Cottage, Thrigby Road.
- Approved 2014/2015 accounts subject to audit.
- Highways department report that cleaning/jetting of main surface water drain outside playing field is now complete.
- They also report that small drainage scheme opposite the school on Thrigby Road will commence shortly.
- Filby Bridge parapet repainting will shortly be completed.
- Playing field grass cutting contract awarded again to Andrew Tuddenham.
- Received Police Crime Report for period from March to early May, together with PCSO Match Funding report from PC Richard Cook.
Monday 9th March 2015
- Highways report that they have lowered the height of wooden marker posts at junction of Thrigby Road with the Main Road. The owner of Lek House has also lowered the height of brick piers at this junction.
- Highways department report that cleaning/jetting of main surface water drain outside playing field will be undertaken in early April.
- Filby Bridge parapet repainting will commence shortly.
- Parish Council nomination papers for 7th May elections handed out.
- The school have resolved and agreed in principle to enter into a new lease for parking on the Claypits car park.
- Playing field grass cutting contract awarded again to Andrew Tuddenham.
- Noted the approval of variation condition to allow use of first floor of garage as home office at Taypen Lodge, Thrigby Road.
- Noted the approval of six dwellings and garages with upgraded vehicular access at Grange Farm, Main Road.
- Resolved to offer no objections to 2 storey extension on end elevation & front porch at 12, Ormesby Road.
- Resolved to offer no objections to new extension at Loke Cottage, Thrigby Road.
- Resolved to offer no objections to replacement outbuilding at Conkers, Main Road.
- Received Police Crime Report for period from 1st December- 24 calls received for advice and assistance together with 8 reported crimes - among which were thefts of oil from household oil tanks, thefts from motor vehicles, and a break in to a garden shed.
Monday 24th November 2014
- Highways report that they will shortly lower height of wooden marker posts at the junction of Thrigby Road with the main road.
- Repairs to the Boardwalk railing have been carried by Parish Council members.
- Noted approval of the redevelopment of the «Fox and Hounds» public house to 2 dwellings and outbuilding as one dwelling, also sub-division of rear land to two dwellings.
- Noted the approval of proposed garage «Pommiers», Main Road.
- Noted the withdrawal of proposal for a cart lodge at «Poppins», Thrigby Road
- Resolved object to variation of condition 3 of planning permission 06/13/0485/F to use first floor as a home office as well as storage at «Taypen Lodge», Thrigby Road
- The Parish Precept of £8,800 was agreed. This was calculated so that expected expenditure will balance out expected income. The good news is that the Parish Council has again, decided not to increase the precept figure this year
- Received Police Crime Report for period from 1st September: 23 calls received for minor incidents and 4 reported crimes; among which were thefts of oil from household oil tanks, and the attempted theft of a motor vehicle.
Monday 22nd September 2014
- Highways report that re-painting of bridge parapet will commence w/c 22nd September.
- Highways report that Main Road drainage scheme from Ormesby Road to pond has been re-scheduled for 2014/15.
- Received Audit Commission "all clear” on the 2013/2014 accounts.
- Norfolk County Council report that Filby School will become an Academy as from October this year.
- Noted approval of variation of condition to new village hall.
- Noted approval of variation of condition to allow garage at front of property to plot 3 on land adj. to Broadacres, Thrigby Road.
- Noted approval of proposed roof conversion at 3, York Villa.
- Noted approval of a cart shed at Bramley Lodge, Main Road.
- Resolved to offer "no objections” to garage at "Pommiers”, Main Road.
- Resolved to offer "no objections” with conditions to conversion of "Fox and Hounds” to 2 dwellings, outbuilding to 1 dwelling, and 2 further dwellings rear.
- Received Police Crime Report for period from 1st May - 76 calls received for minor incidents and 12 reported crimes, among which were 3 thefts and 2 for burglaries to buildings (not dwelling houses), and 1 crime in relation to the shooting of a cat by an air weapon.
Friday 16th May 2014
Annual Parish Council Meeting and Annual Parish Meeting
- Received Chairman's report from Mr. D. Thompson.
- Received Financial report from the Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer.
- Received Poor Trust report from Mr. D. Thompson.
- Received Playing Field report from Mr. A. Thompson.
- Received All Saints Church Report from Rev’d Graham Steele.
- Received Filby Primary School report from Head Teacher: Mrs. Flowerdew.
- Elected Mr. David Thompson as Chairman, and Mr. Adrian Thompson as Vice-chairman for the ensuing year.
- Approved 2013/2014 accounts subject to audit
- Resolved to offer «no objections» to proposed cart shed at Bramley Lodge, Main Road.
- Resolved to offer «object» to relocated position of garage at plot 3 on land adjacent to Broadacres, Thrigby Road.
- Noted approval of rebuild and alterations to include raising roof to rear addition at Lek House, Thrigby Road.
- Received Police Crime Report for period 1st April, 2013 to 31st March, 2014. 104 calls received for minor incidents, and 16 reported crimes, overall they report that Filby remains to be a peaceful area with low levels of crime.
- Highways Department report that trimming back of overhanging trees blocking light from street lights on Main Road is the responsibility of the owners of the trees
Thursday 6th March 2014
- Resolved to offer «no objections» to alterations, including raising roof to rear addition at «Lek House», Main Road.
- Noted approval of proposed side, rear and first floor extensions to «Pommiers», Main Road
- Noted approval of variation of condition to include addition of conservatory to rear, and design change to front porch and side window to kitchen at plot adjacent to Old Forge Cottage, Main Road.
- Noted appeal by Mr. and Mrs. Walton against formal enforcement notice re. replacement windows at Chestnut House, Main Road.
- Received updated Police Crime Report: 14 calls received for minor incidents, and 3 reported crimes for: a shed burglary where a bicycle was stolen, an assault, and a theft of a purse accidentally dropped in a shop by the victim.
- New and updated copies of «Standing Orders and Financial Regulations» accepted and approved by the Council.
- Highways department report that kerb-line adjustments have been made to prevent discharge of surface water into private access drive opposite school.
- Highways report that drainage scheme is in 2015 Forward Programme for new system from Ormesby Road to pond on Main Road.
- Norfolk County Council Bridges Department report that the repainting of Filby Bridge parapet is on programme for next financial year. The work will, weather permitting, start between 7th April and 22nd May.
Friday 6th December 2013
- Resolved to offer «no objections» to removal of hedgerow on land adjacent to Mill Road, Ormesby St. Michael.
- Noted approval of conversion of attic, office and study over garage to annexed living accommodation, and garage to shower room and kitchen area, at Baltimore, Main Road.
- Noted approval of ground floor extension at Wrenbury Heath, Main Road.
- Noted approval of first floor extension at Old Police House, Main Road.
- Noted approval of demolition of car port and replacement with double garage, sunroom, and garden shed at Windy Ridge, Main Road
- Noted approval of French doors in kitchen, and 2 metre garden wall at Grange Farmhouse, Main Road.
- Reported the purchase of 2 new seats for The Pound and allotment cottage garden using Borough Councillor «Project Fund»
- Highways department report that Parish Council request for footpath infill on Thrigby Road is on «footpath long-list» but no firm implementation can yet be confirmed.
- Charles Wharton Limited confirmed cessation of Countryside Stewardship Scheme, but 2 metre headland grass strips will remain, and 6 metre grass strips will be reduced to 2 metre strips.
- NCC report that following a Traffic Management Programme for re-assessment of speed limit on A1064 through Filby Heath they are unable to recommend that a review of the existing restriction is feasible.
- The Parish Precept of £8,400 was agreed. This was calculated so that expected expenditure would balance out of expected income. The good news is that the Parish Council has decided not to increase the precept figure this year.
- Received Audit Commission «all clear» on 2012/2013 Annual Accounts.
Friday 30th August 2013
Summary of Minutes for Parish Council Meeting
- Agreed that District Councillor fund of £500 be used to provide new seats at The Pound and Cottage Garden area at allotments.
- Nomination of Filby Sailing Base for inclusion on List of Assets was classified as «unsuccessful».
- Agreed to support Hemsby Parish Council's protest about emergency cover shortfall in northern villages.
- Resolved to offer «no objections» to retrospective application for new windows at Chestnut House, Main Road.
- Resolved to offer «no objections» to rear extension at Valentine Cottage, Main Road.
- Resolved to offer «no objections» to conversion of garage into living accommodation at Baltimore, Main Road.
- Resolved to «object» to sub-division of garden to form plot for detached cottage at Lek House, Main Road.
- Noted approval of 2.1 mt. high wall at Fair Oaks, Main Road.
- Noted approval of detached garage at Church Hall, Church Lane.
- Noted approval of single storey extension to form garden room at Bramley Lodge, Main Road.
- Noted approval of renewal of permission for «portacabin» at Filby Bowls Club.
- Noted approval of double garage, 2 bedrooms & sunroom at Windy Ridge, Main Road.
- Noted approval of 16 «Romag» voltaic panels at The Orangery, Main Road
- Noted approval of extension to form triple garage at Taypen Lodge, Thrigby Road
- Highways department report that Main Road spring near pond has been identified for repair as and when funds permit.
- Highways department report that subsidence and drainage improvements on Main Road have now been addressed.
- Highways report that drainage improvements and ditch cleaning in Pound Lane area of Main Road have been addressed.
Monday 29th April 2013
Annual Parish Meeting & Annual Parish Council Meeting
- Received Chairman’s report from Mr. D. Thompson
- Received Financial report from the Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer.
- Received Poor Trustees report from Mr. D. Thompson.
- Received Playing Field report from Mr. A. Thompson.
- Received All Saints Church report from Rev’d Graham Steel.
- Received Filby Primary School report from Head Teacher Mrs. Flowerdew.
- Elected Mr. David Thompson as Chairman, and Mr. Adrian Thompson as Vice-chairman for the ensuing year.
- Regretfully received the resignation from the Parish Council of Councillor Ross Stanton, who, through work commitments, is unable to continue. Great Yarmouth Borough Council will advertise this vacancy on the Parish Council Notice Board.
- Resolved to offer “no objections” to removal of conifer hedge and erection of 2.1 meter high entrance wall at Fair Oaks, Main Road.
- Resolved to offer “no objections” to re-location of detached garage at Filby Church Hall site, Church Lane.
- Resolved to offer “no objections” to single storey garden room at Bramley Lodge, Main Road.
- Resolved to “object” to construction of solar park at Nova Scotia Farm, West Caister.
- Noted approval of replacement of lorry back store with new steel construction store at Filby Sailing Base.
- Noted approval of proposed stable block at Market Lane.
- Noted approval of the removal of 3 ash trees near Church Hall, Church Lane.
- Highway department report that subsidence on Main Road near Poplar Drive will addressed during May this year.
Friday 15th March 2013
- Highways report that subsidence on Main Road near Poplar Drive will be addressed in early April.
- Highways report that drainage issues opposite Pound Lane on Main Road are currently being addressed.
- Resolved to offer «no objections» to new stable block on land off Market Lane.
- Noted approval of rear & first floor extension at Pommiers, Main Road.
- Noted approval of renewal of planning permission for new pavilion on Filby Playing Field
- Noted approval of proposed car shelter/store and boundary wall at Hall Farmhouse, Main Road
- Noted refusal of resubmission for 2 storey dwelling & garage adjacent to Loke Cottage, Thrigby Road.
- New Dog Control Order on Playing Field by GYBC is in process of being reviewed and finalised.
- Received Police Crime Report from November, 2012 to date, 32 calls received for minor incidents and 2 crimes of burglary and fraud were reported. Speed checks through village are still high priority.
Monday 12th November 2012
- Highways report that outfall ditch and headwall in Pound Lane will be cleared of silt and debris as a matter of urgency.
- Noted Approval of cart lodge at «Mallards Reach», Thrigby Road.
- Noted Approval of reserved matters application for 3 dwellings on land south of Loke Cottage, Thrigby Road.
- Noted appeal lodged for change of use of land to residential at «The Spinney», Main Road.
- Noted appeal allowance and permission for change of use from Church Hall to residential property and garage.
- Resolved to offer «no objections» to new entrance structure to shop at Filby Post Office.
- Resolved to «object» to rear and first floor extensions at «Pommiers», Main Road.
- The Claypits car park will be top-dressed in near future.
- Received Audit Commission «all clear» report on 2011/2012 Annual Accounts.
- The Parish Precept of £8,800 was agreed. This was calculated so that expected expenditure would be balanced out of expected income. This is an increase of £200 on last year to help cover expected increases in subscriptions, grass-cutting, and administration costs.
- Received Police Crime Report from July 2012 to date, 26 calls received for minor incidents and 4 crimes were reported. Speed checks through village are still high priority.
Monday 30th July 2012
- Highways report that following a restructure of the department all public rights of way matters will now be dealt with by the area office staff.
- Received notification of a 37% allotment rent increase from Norfolk Property Services.
- In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 the Parish Council resolved to adopt the new Code of Conduct as that adopted by Great Yarmouth Borough Council consistent with the seven principles of Public Life (selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty, and leadership).
- Agreed to the appointment of Mazars LLP as the external auditors for the next 5 year term.
- More speed checks on Thrigby Road and the Main Road to be requested.
- Noted Approval of the removal of 15 poplar trees on north and west boundaries of 7, Paddock Farm Drive.
- Noted Approval of change of use to residential home for children at Filby Hall, Main Road.
- Noted Approval of conversion of barn to residential dwelling at Grange Farm, Main Road.
- Noted that application for the erection of a 2 storey dwelling and garage on land west of Loke Cottage, Thrigby Road has been withdrawn.
- Received Police Crime Report from May, 2012 to date: 29 calls received for minor incidents and 2 crimes were reported, 1 theft of a cycle and 1 theft of a motor scooter.
Thursday 3rd May 2012
- Received Chairman’s report from Mr. D. Thompson.
- Received Financial report from the Clerk.
- Received Poor Trustees report from Mr. D. Thompson.
- Received Playing Field report from Mr. A. Thompson.
- Received All Saints Church report from Rev’d Graham Steel.
- Received Filby Primary School report from the Head Teacher, Mrs. Flowerdew.
- Elected Mr. David Thompson as Chairman, and Mr. Adrian Thompson as Vice-chairman for the ensuing year.
- Approved Annual Accounts for 2011/2012 subject to Audit.
- Noted Approval of retrospective application to display direction sign to «Wildlife Gardens» on Main Road.
- Noted Approval of “sale of logs” sign o/s bowling green on Main Road.
- Noted Refusal of change of use from agricultural use to residential at The Spinney, Main Road.
- Resolved to “object” to the change of use of Filby Hall to a Residential Home for Children.
- Received Police Crime Report from April 2011 to date — 100 calls received for minor incidents and 16 crimes were reported. PC Cook also reported that following the re-organisation of frontline policing within the country frontline services in the parish will remain the same.
Monday 26th March 2012
- Highways report that re-painting of bridge railings is still being investigated.
- Noted refusal of proposed change of use from Church Hall to residential at Church Lane.
- The Unitarian Church Trust has granted permission for small parking area to Orchard allotments.
- Natural England are encouraging households in the parish to check sewage systems and prevent pollutants from reaching Filby Broad.
- The Chairman and Clerk reported on the Northern Parishes Area Forum held at Hemsby Village Hall on 26th January, 2012.
- GYBC have approved Parish Council's precept for 2012/2013.
- Noted approval of demolition of outbuilding and construction of 2 storey dwelling at the Old Forge, Main Road.
- Noted approval of new vehicular access at the Old Forge, Main Road.
- Noted approval of 2 additional "Vellux" rooflights at Mallards Reach, Thrigby Road.
- Noted approval of change of use from agricultural land to car park at rear of All Saints Church.
- Noted withdrawal of application for tree work at Loke Cottage, Thrigby Road.
- Received Police Crime Report for period from 22nd November, 2011 - 36 calls received for minor incidents and 4 reported crimes - 2 for criminal damage to motor vehicles, 1 assault and 1 theft from a motor vehicle
Tuesday 22nd November 2011
- Highways report that the 2 non-functioning vehicle activated signs on the Main Road have now been repaired.
- Following increases in speed on re-surfaced section of the Main Road, Norfolk Road Traffic Policing report that more speed checks will be carried out on this stretch of road.
- Following a meeting with the Trustees of the Thrigby Road Unitarian Church site, it was agreed that consideration would be favourably given to the parking of garden plot tenant's cars on land next to the Church ruins.
- There is one vacant garden plot currently available, interested persons can apply in writing to the Clerk.
- The Chairman and Clerk will attend the newly formed Northern Parishes Area Committee meeting at Hemsby on 1st December.
- The Clerk was requested to report to Highways Department a series of blocked gullies on Thrigby Road.
- There were no planning applications or decision notices to debate this month.
- Received confirmation from Anglian Water that new replacement rising main from Pound Lane will be routed through fields to the north and not through Main Road new surfacing.
- Received Broads Authority "Trinity Broads Management Plan" and "Broads Plan 2011".
- The Parish Precept of £8,600 was calculated and agreed so that expected expenditure would be balanced out of expected income. This is a small increase of £100 on last year to cover increased administrative costs.
- Received Police Crime Report - 9 calls received for minor incidents and 2 reported crimes of theft from properties, the offenders are currently in custody.
Tuesday 6th October 2011
- Highways report that following a review of gritting requests Thrigby Road did not meet the policy criteria needed to include this road on their P1 gritting routes.
- The Main Road resurfacing scheme is progressing well to completion within the time scale allowed.
- The Parish Council is currently negotiating parking provision for the new garden plot allotments off Thrigby Road.
- The Broads Authority are closing the Broad Walk footway and car park from 26th October until early 2012 for boardwalk improvements.
- Received the Audit Commission "all clear" report on 2010/2011 Annual Accounts.
- Received Police Crime Report for period 12th May to 6th October - 39 calls received for minor incidents and 8 recorded crimes - 1 domestic, 1 criminal damage, 1 arson, 1 theft from motor vehicle, 2 assault, 1 dwelling burglary, and 1 attempted dwelling burglary. With regard to the last 2 offences the suspects are currently in custody.
- Resolved to offer "no objections" to 2 storey extension to form kitchen, dining room and 2 bedrooms at South View, Main Road.
- Noted approval of change of use from vacant land to stable block at Four Winds, Broad Lane.
- Noted approval of conservatory at The Flints, Thrigby Road.
- Noted refusal of change of use from agricultural land to car park at Filby All Saints Church.
- Noted appeal dismissal to work on protected tree at plot 4, Mulberry Tree Close.
- Noted approval of partial conversion of garage & first floor extension at 6, Paddock Farm Drive.
- Noted approval of extension to provide garage space at the Orangery, Main Road
Tuesday 7th June 2011
A Public Meeting was held in the Clubroom on Friday 3rd June which was attended by 43 members of the public to discuss and hear comments on the proposals by Filby All Saints Church PCC to the re-ordering of the Church, planning applications for change of use from Church Hall to residential use, and change of use from adjacent agricultural land to form new Church car park.
Following this meeting the Parish Council met on Tuesday 7th June, 2011 to determine a response to both of these applications. 8 members of the public were present at this meeting many of whom raised concerns at the proposals during public time. These comments were taken on board when finalizing a response to the local Planning Authority which resulted in both applications being strongly objected to by the Parish Council.
BackMonday 12th May 2011
Annual Parish Council Meeting & Annual Parish Meeting
- Received Chairman’s Report from Mr. D. Thompson.
- Received Financial Report from the Clerk.
- Received Poor Trustees Report from Mr. D. Thompson.
- Received Playing Field Report from Mr. A. Thompson.
- Received PCC Report from Rev'd Graham Steel.
- Elected Mr. David Thompson as Chairman, and Mr. Adrian Thompson as Vice-chairman for the ensuing year.
- Noted refusal of the felling of oak tree T2 at 4, Mulberry Tree Close.
- Resolved to offer "no objections" to erection of conservatory at "Flints", Thrigby Road.
- Highways report that the Main Road from Filby Bridge to the King's Head will be resurfaced in September this year.
- Approved Annual Accounts for 2010/2011 subject to Audit.
- Received Police Crime Report from April 2010 to May, 2011 — 133 calls received for minor offences of which 10 crimes were reported.
Monday 28th March 2011
- Highways report that Green Lane, Pound Lane and Church Lane will be surface dressed this summer.
- Highways report that subject to funding resources surfacing of the Main Road has been brought forward to 2011/2012.
- The Clerk was requested to write to Highways Department with attached petition asking for Thrigby Road to be gritted as a Priority 1 winter gritting route.
- Resolved to offer "no objections" to partial conversion of garage and first floor extension at 6, Paddock Farm Drive.
- Accepted quotation from Witherspoon Thatching for re-thatching of bus shelter.
- The Clerk reported that Common Lane Poor Lands allotments has now been registered with Land Registry.
- Parish Council Elections 5 May, 2011. Nomination packs are available from the Clerk.
- There are now 13 new garden plot allotments already let to new tenants, with a further 7 being made available later this year.
- The Clerk was requested to respond to Broads Authority "Broads Plan 2011" questionnaire.
- Insurance quotation from Zurich represented a saving of £500 and was subsequently accepted for next financial year.
- GYBC report that 2011/12 precept request has been agreed.
Wednesday 1st December 2010
- Highways report that jetting and clearing of gulley on Main Road opposite pond has now been carried out successfully.
- Noted approval of kitchen extension and foyer at L'Escale, Thrigby Road.
- Noted approval of 2 detached bungalows and garages at plots 10 & 11, Mulberry Tree Close.
- Noted refusal of the felling of oak tree at 4, Mulberry Tree Close.
- Received presentation from NHS representative, Laurie Howarth, regarding membership of the James Paget University Foundation Trust. Membership forms are available at the Post Office or online at www.jpaget.nhs.uk
- Following receipt of Norfolk Schools Sailing Association report on new parishioner arrangements for using the Staithe, it was resolved to hold a further meeting with all parties involved in this matter early next year.
- Lamp standard on Claypits car park has been installed to light passage to school.
- More garden plot allotments off Thrigby Road will be marked out for new tenant occupation later next year.
- Received Police Crime Report for 27th September to 30th November - 23 calls received for minor incidents of which 2 crimes of burglary were recorded.
Monday 27th September 2010
- Highways report that patching of sunken trench on Thrigby Road has been repaired, and patching around gulley o/s Clubhouse had been reinstated.
- Noted approval of variation of conditions for new Filby Village Hall at playing field.
- Noted approval of proposed conservatory at 7, Paddock Farm Drive.
- Noted approval of side first floor, side, and rear extensions at Adelaide House, Main Road.
- Noted approval of side first floor and rear extensions, and double garage at Adelaide House, Main Road.
- Resolved to offer "no objections" to proposed kitchen extension at L'Escale, Thrigby Road.
- Received new "Petitions Scheme" details from GYBC.
- Received Audit Commission "all clear" report for 2009/2010 accounts.
- Blocked drainage gulley on Main Road near pond to be reported to Highways Department.
- The Parish Precept of £8,500 was calculated and agreed so that expected expenditure would be balanced out of expected income. This is an increase of £100 on last year which is collected via Council Tax bills.
- Received Safer Neighbourhood report from police officer Johnathan Smith.
- Received Police Crime Report for the period 31st March, 2010 to date - 73 calls received for minor offences of which 4 crimes of burglary and theft were recorded.
Tuesday 11th May 2010
Summary of Minutes for Annual Parish Council Meeting
- Received Chairman's report from Mr. D. Thompson.
- Received Financial report from the Clerk.
- Received Poor Trustees report from Mr. D. Thompson.
- Received Playing Field report from Mr. A. Thompson.
- Received All Saints Church report from Rev'd Graham Steel.
- Received Filby Primary School report from Head Teacher, Mrs. Flowerdew.
- The above reports will be published shortly on Filby Village Website - www.filbyvillage.org.uk
- Agreed to increase allotment rents from April next year.
- Elected Mr. David Thompson as Chairman and Mr. Adrian Thompson as Vice-chairman for the ensuing year.
- Highways report that urgent patching repair work requested by the parish council has been carried out on the Main Road and Thrigby Road.
- Highways report that flooding problems identified by the parish council on the Main Road will be addressed as soon as funds become available.
- Noted approval of Tree Preservation Order at Tudor Oaks, Thrigby Road.
- Received Police Crime Report for the period 1 April, 2009 to 31 March, 2010 - 143 calls received for minor offences of which 19 crimes were recorded.
Thursday 1st April 2010
- Highways report that patching work on Main Road will take place shortly, after inspections.
- Highways report that Main Road resurfacing has been programmed for 2012/13 subject to funding being available.
- Received presentation from representatives of Norfolk Rural Community Council regarding Rural Community Development and Community Empowerment.
- NCC footpath officer reports that the sunken footpath from Thrigby Road to Church has been repaired and new chippings laid to surface.
- The Clerk was requested to register with Land Registry the Poor Lands Trust land off Common Lane.
- The Clerk was requested to report to Highways various flooding problems on Main Road.
- The Clerk was requested to obtain quotations for thatch repairs to Main Road bus shelter.
- Noted approval of proposed Portakabin at Filby playing field.
- Noted approval of field shelter, stable block, 2 stables, and tack shed at Thrigby Road allotments.
- Noted approval of non-residential caravan ancillary to stables at Whiteacre Farm, Market Road.
- Noted approval of renewal for 2 residential dwellings on plots 10 and 11, Mulberry Tree Close.
- Resolved to offer "no objections" to side first floor extension and side rear extension at Adelaide House, Main Road.
- No Police report received for this meeting.
Monday 11th January 2010
- Highways report that overgrown hedge and dead tree at top of Pound Lane have now been trimmed back.
- Highways report that damaged illuminated road sign opposite playing field has been repaired.
- Noted approval of conversion of barn to residential dwelling at Grange Farm, Main Road.
- Noted approval of demolition of side extension & construction of 2 storey bedroom and bathroom extension at 2, Broad Cottage, Main Road.
- Noted approval of proposed detached garage at 6, Paddock Farm Drive.
- Noted approval of 10 million gallon irrigation reservoir at Grange Farm, Main Road.
- Noted approval of erection of 3 detached 2 storey dwellings with garages adj. to Loke Cottage, Thrigby Road.
- Noted approval of renewal of Planning Permission for new pavilion at Filby Playing Field.
- Noted withdrawal of application for infilling ditch at Trinity Barn, Thrigby Road.
- Resolved to offer "no objections" to wooden field shelter and stable block at Thrigby Road Allotments.
- Received Boundary Committee's Structural Review proposals for Norfolk.
- Received Norwich International Airport's "Controlled Airspace" proposals.
- Received request from Filby Primary School for school sign and car park street light.
- The Clerk was requested to report footpath subsidence on Main Road to Highways Department.
- The Clerk was requested to write to the Broads Authority asking for their assistance in clearing reed bed near Staithe.
- The Parish Precept for 2010/2011 has been approved by GYBC.
- Received Police Crime Report for October' 09 to January' 10 - 51 calls received for minor offences of which 6 crimes were recorded.
Monday 28th September 2009
- Highways report that Main Road resurfacing from Fleggburgh to Ormesby Lane is subject to funding programmed for the year 2013/14.
- Highway report that it is inadvisable to provide centre line markings through built-up area of Thrigby Road as this encourages an increase in traffic speeds.
- Highways report that GYBC have been requested to trim back overgrown hedge and tree on corner of Pound Lane.
- Noted Approval of the erection of store, shed and greenhouse at Broadwater Cottage, Thrigby Road.
- Noted Approval of extension to dwelling and garage at Carousel, Broad Lane.
- Noted Refusal of 1 residential dwelling and double garage at plot 8, Mulberry Tree Close.
- Noted approval of pollarding 64 poplar trees at Hall Farm, Main Road.
- Resolved to approve detached garage at 6, Paddock Close.
- Resolved to approve irrigation reservoir at Grange Farm, Main Road.
- Received Police Crime Report for June to September 2009: 62 calls received for minor offences of which 9 crimes were recorded.
- Received Safer Neighbourhood report from Police Officer Jonathan Smith.
- Received NCC "Speed Awareness Message" results for survey on Main Road during April and May.
- Received amended Tree Preservation Order for trees at Filby Bridge Cottages.
- Received Audit Commission's "all clear" report for 2008/2009 accounts.
- Resolved not to increase the Parish Precept for next year, it has been calculated so that expected expenditure would be balanced out of expected income. The precept represented an average of approximately £1 per household per month which is collected via Council Tax.
Summary of Minutes for Annual Parish Council Meeting
Tuesday 12th May 2009
- Received Chairman's Report from Mr. D. Thompson.
- Received Financial Report from the Clerk.
- Received Poor Trustees Report from Mr. D. Thompson.
- Received Playing Field Report form Mr. A. Thompson.
- Received Filby Primary School report from Head Teacher Margaret Baker.
- Highways report that petition by local residents to reduce speeding at the east end of the Main Road will be looked at again and has been added to the Traffic Management Programme 2010/11 for reassessment. In the shorter term mobile speed cameras will be present more frequently to raise awareness of the speeding issue.
- Highways report that repairs to the surface of the Main Road are ongoing and the section through the village is on the surface dressing programme for this season.
- The NCC Public Rights of Way Officer reports that muddy section of Footpath Number 3 from Thrigby Road to Church will be closely monitored before carrying out remedial works to maintain a suitable standard for walkers.
- Elected Mr. David Thompson as Chairman, and Mr. Adrian Thompson as Vice Chairman for the ensuing year.
- The Chairman will attend "Broads Use" meeting at Ormesby St. Michael Parish Council on 3 June, 2009.
- The Clerk was requested to write to Highways Department requesting extent of surface dressing programme on the Main Road through village.
- Noted Approval of the Erection of Memorial Stone at The Pound for Filby Parish Council.
- Resolved to object to the Construction of Dwelling and Double garage at 8, Mulberry Tree Close.
- Approved the Annual Accounts for 2008/2009 subject to Audit.
- Received Police Crime Report for April and May' 09 - 18 calls received for minor offences of which 6 crimes were recorded.
Summary of Minutes for Parish Council Meeting
Monday 23rd March 2009
- Highways report that they will instruct developer to reinstate grass strip on Main Road near Mulberry Tree Close.
- GYBC report they will move bus stop sign on Main Road near Pound Lane from lamp standard 19 to lamp standard 18.
- The Clerk was requested to write to Highways Department requesting urgent repairs to potholes on Main Road.
- Received Safer Neighbourhood report from Police officer Jonathan Smith.
- Noted refusal of 4 Detached Bungalows and Garages at The Loke, Thrigby Road.
- Noted Approval of Felling of 29 poplar trees at Hall Farm, Main Road.
- Noted Approval of Garden Room extension at 4, York Villa.
- Noted Approval of 2 Gate Pillars at The Flints, Thrigby Road.
- Noted Approval of Bungalow extension, Outbuilding, and widened Access at The Spinney, Main Road.
- Noted Approval of Renewal for 3 Stables, Hay Barn, Shed and Field Shelter at Chicken Farm, Mautby Road.
- Resolved to approve Erection of Memorial Stone at The Pound, Main Road.
- Resolved to approve with conditions, Extension and additions at Carousel, Broad Lane.
- Received Police Crime Report for December' 08 and January, February, March '09 - 39 calls received for minor offences of which 3 crimes were recorded.
- Councillor David Thompson will attend GYBC Planning Portal meeting at Yarmouth Racecourse next month.
- New purple waymark signs have been erected on Limes bridleway to deter motorised vehicles.
- Resolved to support petition by residents at east end of Village requesting more 30 mph warning signs, speed camera, and extension of 40 mph speed limit on Main Road following excessive speed accidents resulting in two overturned vehicles between King's Head and speed limit sign. The Clerk was requested to forward petition to NCC Director of Planning and Transportation.
- Date of Annual Parish Meeting/Parish Council AGM - Tuesday 12 May, 2009.
Summary of Minutes for Parish Council Meeting
Tuesday 25th November 2008
- Highways report that landowners with dangerous overhanging tree limbs on Main Road have been requested to address the issue forthwith.
- The Clerk was requested to write to Highways Department regarding flooding problem on Main Road at The Heath.
- Received NCC Rural Road Safety Report regarding improvements to road edges on the rural non built-up "A" road network.
- Resolved to approve section 20 of the "2000 Freedom of Information Model".
- Resolved to support school children's request to Highways Department for a pedestrian crossing on Main Road allowing safer access to the Playing Field.
- Final improvements to Filby School are progressing well.
- The Clerk and Councillor Peter Chapman have volunteered to undertake dead bird patrols of Filby Broad for the Broads Authority.
- Noted Approval of Tree Preservation Order No. 5 (Group 1) at Linden, Main Road.
- Noted Approval of External Chimney at Wedgewood, Main Road.
- Noted refusal of erection of single 2 Storey dwelling at 1, Church Lane.
- Resolved to object to the erection of 4 Detached Dwellings and Double Garages at Garden Land, part of Loke Cottage, Thrigby Road.
- Resolved to approve erection of 2 gate pillars at The Flints, Thrigby Road.
- Resolved to approve retrospective application for the Siting of Field Shelter for Horses at Whiteacre Stables, Market Road.
- Resolved to approve One and Half Storey Side Extension and Single Storey Rear Extension at Tudor Lodge, Thrigby Road.
- Received Police Crime Report for October and November, 2008 - 18 calls received for minor offences of which 4 crimes were recorded.
Summary of Minutes for Parish Council Meeting
Thursday 25th September 2008
- Highways report that Gullies/Offlets have been cleaned on Main Road and Thrigby Road.
- Highways report that chevrons and reflector posts are now in place at junctions on Pound Lane and Mill Road.
- NCC Public Rights of Way team have now installed new Public Right of Way maps on Filby Bridge Car Park and in entrance to Claypits Car Park, Thrigby Road.
- Received the Audit Commission "all clear" report on 2007/2008 Annual Accounts.
- Highways report that footway assessment has been carried out on Thrigby Road, and its rating ranks at number 57 on the current footway list. Whilst relatively high it is not high enough for immediate consideration.
- Noted Approval of New Village Sign opposite Filby Bridge Restaurant, Main Road.
- Noted Approval of Rear Single Storey Bedroom Extension at 2, Filby Close.
- Noted Approval of Side and Rear Extension at Holly Tree Chalet, Main Road.
- Noted Refusal of Change of use from Agricultural to Residential Use at The Spinney, Main Road.
- Noted Refusal of Residential Dwelling at Plot 8, Mulberry Tree House, Main Road.
- Noted refusal of Residential Dwelling on land adjacent to The Beeches, Main Road.
- Resolved to object to Change of use of Additional Land from Agricultural to Residential at the Spinney, Main Road.
- Resolved to offer no objections to formation of External Chimney at Wedgewood, Main Road.
- Received Clerk's report on NCC Boundary Committee Review report.
- Received the Chairman's report on GYBC's preferred choice on unitary arrangements for Norfolk and Suffolk.
- New Public Rights of Way maps are now in place at Filby Bridge car park and Claypits car park.
- The Parish Council resolved to give an annual grant to the Playing Field Committee to cover increase in running costs.
- The Parish Precept of £38,400 was calculated so that expected expenditure would be balanced out of expected income. The precept represented an average of approximately £31 per household, per month, which is collected via Council Tax bill.
- Received Police Crime Report for the last 4 months - 60 calls received for minor offences of which 9 crimes were recorded.
Summary of Minutes for Annual Parish Meeting and Parish Council AGM
Wednesday 14th May 2008
- Received Chairman's Report.
- Received Financial Report from Clerk.
- Received Poor Trustees Report from Mr. D. Thompson.
- Received Playing Field Report from Mr. A. Thompson.
- Received Youth Committee Report from Mr. R. Stanton.
- Elected Mr. D. Thompson as Chairman and Mr. A. Thompson as Vice-Chairman for the ensuing year.
- Highways report that broken culvert in Pound Lane near Pound has now been replaced.
- Highways report that Gullies/Offlets cleaned on Main Road and Thrigby Road.
- Highways report that consideration will be given to installing Chevron signs at junctions on Pound Lane and Mill Road.
- The Parish Council have agreed to fund the replacement of Playing Field flag pole.
- NCC Public Rights of Way team to be asked to cut and clear grass from all public footways.
- Highways report that assessment to be carried out on Thrigby Road for further footpath construction.
- Noted Approval of Conversion of Barns to 6 Dwellings/garages at Hall Farm, Main Road.
- Noted Approval of Proposed Portacabin at Playing Field for Bowls Club.
- Noted Refusal of Detached Dwelling/Garage at The Beeches, Main Road.
- Resolved to offer "No Objections" to Rear Single Storey Extension at No. 2, Filby Close.
- Received monthly Police Crime Report - 19 calls received for minor offences of which 2 crimes were recorded.
- Approved the Annual Accounts for 2007 subject to Audit.
- The School extension is now complete and the official opening carried out during first week of May.
Summary of Minutes for Parish Council Meeting
Wednesday 12th March 2008
- Highways report that broken culvert in Pound Lane near Pound will be replaced by end of March.
- Highways have asked Parish Council to indicate where further footpath provision should be provided on Thrigby Road before undertaking the necessary traffic count.
- GYBC Planning Authority report that the footpath from Mulberry Tree House Development on Main Road will be extended to link with Filby Close footpath before the first dwelling on site is occupied.
- "Welcome to Filby" signs are currently seeking consent from Planning Departments.
- Tree planting has started on new Community Orchard at Thrigby Road allotment site.
- Received the Audit Commission "All Clear" report on Annual Accounts.
- Playing Field grass cutting contract awarded again to Andrew Tuddenham Services.
- Street Lighting issues are now being addressed by NCC and their contractor Cartilage.
- Noted Approval of Ground and First Floor Extension at No. 1, The Heath.
- Noted Approval of 2 Storey Dwelling/Garage and Outbuilding at Trinity barn, Thrigby Road.
- Noted Approval of Two Detached 2 Storey Dwellings and Linked Garages and One 2 Storey Dwelling and Garage at Land Adjacent to Broadacres, Thrigby Road.
- Resolved to "Object" to Detached Dwelling and Garage at the Beeches, Main Road.
- Resolved to offer "No Objections" to "Welcome to Filby" Signs on Main Road
- Resolved to offer "No Objections" to Side and Rear Single Storey Extension at Holly Tree Cottage, Main Road
- Resolved to offer "No Objections" to Proposed Portacabin on Playing Field for Bowls Club.
- Received monthly Police Crime Report - 18 calls received for minor offences of which 2 crimes were recorded.
- The School extension is still progressing well ahead of schedule.
- The Claypits Car Park height barrier will be in place by the end of March.
- Highways will be requested to erect chevrons on Mill Road/Pound Lane bends to prevent more over-running of banks/verges.
- Playing Field flag pole to be replaced in near future.
- Playing Field bus-shelter clock now working again.
Summary of Minutes for Parish Council Meeting
Friday 25th January 2008
- Highways report that broken culvert in Pound Lane near Pound will be replaced by end of March.
- Highways have again rejected the Parish Council's request to add Thrigby Road to their "Gritting List".
- Highways have rejected Parish Council request for improved Traffic Calming measures on Pound Lane.
- Highways have cleaned and jetted drain near Thrigby Wildlife park.
- "Welcome to Filby" signs are currently seeking consent from Planning and Highways.
- GYBC report that Street Lighting issues are now being addressed by NCC and their contractor: Cartilage.
- Noted Approval of Detached Bungalow and Garage at 29, Poplar Drive.
- Noted Renewal Approval for Stable/Shed at Thrigby Road Allotments.
- Noted Approval of Tree Preservation Order to Carry out Work adjacent to Church Hall, Church Road.
- Noted Refusal of Construction of New Rectory at Church Hall Site, Church Lane.
- Resolved to offer "No Objections" to Side Extension at No.1, The Heath.
- Resolved to offer Refusal of Proposal to erect 3 Dwellings at "Broadacres", Thrigby Road.
- Resolved to offer Refusal of Proposed Dwelling at Trinity Barn, Thrigby Road.
- Received monthly Police Crime Report - 16 calls received for minor offences and 7 crimes were generated, of which 3 arrests were made.
- Clock Tower clock is currently being repaired.
- Two new Public Right of Way maps are to be installed at Broads Car Park and Claypits Car Park.
- The School extension and footpath widening are progressing well ahead of schedule.
- Following Lottery Grant rejection for new Village Hall the Playing Field Committee are to pursue funding for new Hall in priority development stages.
- NCC carried out 3 "Speed Awareness " surveys on the Main Road during December.
Summary of Minutes for Parish Council Meeting
Wednesday 14th November 2007
- Highways have carried out culvert jetting in Pound Lane adjacent to The Pound to relieve flooding.
- Highways have again rejected the Parish Council's request to add Thrigby Road to their "Gritting list". Bearing in mind that this is a "School Bus Route" the Clerk was requested to pursue this issue again.
- NCC have reported that Filby has been added to the list for "Speed Awareness Message" (SAM) intervention.
- The owner of the dangerous tree on the Main Road opposite Poplar Drive is to be reminded that urgent attention is required to remove the offending bough.
- GYBC Lighting Section have confirmed that all lamp standard bulbs within Village will be replaced before the lighting maintenance is taken over by NCC. They also confirm that any damaged columns will be replaced as a matter of urgency.
- The owner of Filby House has removed the fallen/dangerous tree near the Church Hall in Church Lane.
- The Chairman and the Clerk will attend a Planning Decision Workshop later this month.
- Noted Approval of Single Storey Extension - 23, Poplar Drive.
- Noted Refusal of Construction of 1 Two Storey Dwelling - Plot 8, Mulberry Tree House, Main Road.
- Noted Refusal of Proposed Pair of Detached Bungalows - 20, Poplar Drive.
- Noted Approval of Conservatory - 1, The Heath.
- Resolved to offer "No Objections" to Construction of Detached Bungalow at land adj. to 29, Poplar Drive.
- Resolved to offer "No Objections" to 2 Storey Dwelling and Garage at Trinity Barn, Thrigby Road.
- Resolved to ask for "Deferral" on Proposed New Rectory on Church Hall site, Church Lane on the grounds that the site boundary is under dispute.
- Received monthly Police Crime Report - 6 calls received for minor offenses. No major issues with speeding on Main Road.
- Garden Plot allotments undergoing Autumn clearance.
- Playing Field Management Committee report that Filby has been selected as one of Parishes to take part in "Green Village" pilot scheme.
- The Claypits rear fencing is now in place.
- The Parish Precept of £7,000 was calculated so that expected expenditure would be balanced out of expected income. The precept represented an average of £1.16 per adult, per month, which is collected via Council Tax bill.
- NCC report Traffic Orders for extension of anytime waiting on Thrigby Road. - 20 m.p.h. Speed Limit on Thrigby Road from A1064 southwards of 185 metres. - 20 m.p.h. Speed Limit on entire length of York Villa Close. - Extension of 30 m.p.h Speed Limit on Thrigby Road. - 30 m.p.h Speed Limit along entire length of Common Lane. - 30 m.p.h Speed Limit along entire length of The Loke.
Summary of Minutes for Parish Council Meeting
Wednesday 29th August 2007
- Highways have carried out repairs to potholes on Main Road near Filby close.
- Highways have put jetting of Main Road offlets on 6 Monthly cleaning schedule.
- Highways report that sunken drainage trench on Main Road between Poplar Drive and Filby Close is not yet at intervention level. They will closely monitor and action when necessary.
- Drainage ditch from Pound Lane to Broad has been cleaned of debris by 2 landowners, still awaiting action by GYBC to clean section near headwall in Pound Lane.
- The Clerk has written to owner of damaged/dangerous tree on Main Road opposite Poplar Drive. Action awaited.
- GYBC have written to owner of Filby Hall regarding fallen tree outside Church Hall - still awaiting action.
- Noted Approval of Dining Room Extension - 2, Bridge Cottage, Main Road.
- Noted Approval of New Whitefarm Track - Filby Woods, Pound Lane.
- Noted Approval of Single Storey Extension - Single Storey Extension, The Hollies, Thrigby Road.
- Noted Approval of Bungalow - Plot 9, Mulberry Tree House, Main Road.
- Noted Approval of Detached Garage - 20, Poplar Drive.
- Noted Approval of Extensions to Swimming Pool Changing/Toilet Facilities - Post Office, Main Road.
- Noted Approval of Side Extension - Conifers, Main Road.
- No new applications were received for this meeting.
- Supported EDF request to install new pad mounted transformer in Claypits Car Park.
- Approved the Highways Department design drawings for new 20 mph speed limit in conjunction with Filby School improvements.
- Supported NCC Speed Awareness Message. Parish Council will question again intervention in Village via Clerk.
- Lottery application decision for new Village Hall deferred until end of December, 2007.
- New safety fencing to be installed at rear of Claypits car park.
Summary of Minutes for Parish Council Meeting
Wednesday 11th July 2007
- Highways have carried out small drainage scheme outside Cherry Tree House, Main Road to alleviate flooding.
- Highways have cleaned outfall ditch near headwall in Pound Lane.
- At the request of the Parish Council Highways have placed "Slow" markings on carriageway of Main Road near built-up area of The Heath.
- Edge repairs on Main Road between The Heath and Mautby Road are still awaited.
- Highways to be asked to address pothole and trench subsidence on Main Road near Filby Close.
- Fallen tree and dangerous limbs outside Church hall to be reported to GYBC Forestry Officer.
- The Parish Council has written to landowners of ditches from Pound Lane to Broad asking them to clean them out to assist flow of surface water from the Main Road area.
- Dangerous trees on Main Road opposite Poplar Drive to be reported to landowners in question.
- Parish Council to respond to GYBC Local Development Framework/Plan opposing further development outside Village Envelope.
- Noted approval of the erection of seven houses at Mulberry Tree House, Main Road.
- Resolved to approve one and a half storey extension at Conifers, Main Road.
- Resolved to approve single storey extension at The Hollies, Thrigby Road.
- Resolved to approve extension to swimming pool changing room and toilet at Post Office, Main Road.
- Norfolk County Council be requested to cut grass on all public rights of way in village.
- Police report that vehicle crime in village was down during June, and only 3 Public disorder crimes reported.
- Police reported that 90 recent speed checks resulted in only 1 over limit.
- Clerk requested to write to Highways asking for the rodding of drainage offlets along Main Road.
- Clerk asked to write to Police requesting support for the extension of «No Waiting» restriction on Thrigby Road to include new 20 mph limit.
- Mr. Chapman has the support of the Broads authority to place roped tyres to new Board Walk to protect it from fishing boats.
Summary of Minutes for Planning Meeting 27 June, 2007
Wednesday 27th June 2007
- The Parish Council resolved to object to construction of 2 storey house and garage at plot 8, Mulberry Tree House, Main Road.
- The Parish Council resolved to approve construction of track to enable machinery to maintain fish breeding drain at Whitham Track, Filby Woods, Pound Lane.
- Noted approval of detached bungalow and garage adj. to 29, Poplar Drive.
- Noted approval of detached garage at 29, Poplar Drive.
- NCC report that "No Smoking" signs must be displayed in smoke free premises, including substantially enclosed public places.
- The Council will obtain and display relevant signs for the Parish Council bus shelters and the Clubroom.
- Parish Council has requested "No Buses and Coaches" signs at approaches to Pound Lane.
- Received plan of Thrigby Road Footway Improvements and 20 mph Speed Limit. Parish to request extension to no parking limit to include length of new speed zone.
The summaries are provided by the Parish Clerk:
Mr David G. Balls,
Manor House,
Church Lane,
NR29 3HW
Tel 01493 368246.
email:- david.balls@zen.co.uk
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