Tuesday 20th August 2013 7.00pm in the Clubroom
- Apologies for Absence
- Minutes of Last Meeting 10th June 2013
- Matters Arising
- Fete 2013
- Vulnerable Adults, Child Protection Health and Safety Policy
- A.O.B.
Committee Meeting
Monday 10th June 2013, 7.00pm
Peter Chapman, Adrian Thompson, Mervyn Gibson, David Thompson, Ann Hughes, Norman Hughes, David Harrod, Pat Bell, Percy Hudson, Joy Baldry, Derek Nicker, Pauline Barnard, John Gaze, Tom Green, Jackie Green
Sandra Webb, John Baldry, Jenny Thompson, Paddy Hudson, Steve Elderkin
Not present Ross Stanton
The minutes had been circulated and were proposed by Percy and seconded by Mervyn as a true record.
Derek had asked John Clark if Aldreds could do a valuation on the club room. He was told this had been sent by the office but as yet not received, Derek would once again chase this up.
The Stone Angel concert was on 23rd March, and proceeds of £700 had been received. A letter of thanks was sent to Graham Steel on 31st March, however Peter said the PCC had indicated no acknowledgement had been received. A letter was done and sent to Graham Steele. Secretary would be sending further copies to Peter, PCC and Graham Steele.
The Easter Bazaar was also on 23rd March, and this event raised £585 for hall funds.
Firework quotes had been received and were passed to Adrian to give to Derek Cannon. These totalled £2000 as requested.
A long discussion then took place concerning this. Pat thought if all the committee helped, we could do it ourselves. However it was thought this was too much to take on. The secretary read out four quotes, Glenn Hunn from Fleggburgh, £750; D Harriss from Filby £1180; Bob Clifton from Filby, £900; Handyman Services from Rollesby, £1950. No one could remember exactly how long it was since the hall was last painted.
Derek gave the number of another decorator who he could recommend, who charged £100 per day. However after much deliberation it was proposed by Percy and seconded by Tom that we accept the lower quote of £750 from Glenn Hunn. This was carried by the members present. Colours were then discussed and several colours suggested and rejected. Finally magnolia was chosen, a slightly darker shade on the bottom, below the dado rail and a lighter shade at the top. Paint work and ceilings to be white.
Pauline and Pat offered to do the small kitchen area, which they had done before with Jenny.
Rob Chandler had been booked, and Adrian said the stalls were beginning to be confirmed. Lions would do Bar and BBQ. No marquee this year, so no events taking place on the Saturday or Sunday this year.
Raffle tickets would be ordered and a discussion then took placed regarding prizes. We can no longer rely on companies to provide prizes, so we will probably have to purchase them ourselves. Tickets would be printed to show a cash prize of £100 as usual, although this may not be the first prize. Pat would once again organise the cakes in the tea rooms and Mrs Stanton and friends would once again be asked if they would kindly serve the teas etc. as they have done so efficiently in the past.
Peter and Derek were pleased to report that we had successfully passed the first stage of the current lottery application and were now invited to submit part 2, which must be received by the authority by 14th August 2013. There was now a great deal of work to be done, Derek said it was now detailed specification of the building, procedure, rules and technical details which we would have to ask advice on from Owen Bond via Graham Brown. He now had to give 750 word answers to complex questions and would need help from specialists. He had contacted Owen Bond and hoped they would respond immediately as he was away for the majority of June. He was hopeful they may have a standard package which we could adapt to our organisation. Percy was willing to give what help he could regarding this and Mervyn would look at some financial issues also. The chairman once again thanked Derek and Pete for all their ongoing work which was now getting even more demanding. The time scale of only 9 weeks is very short.
If Stage two is successful, we are told 4 months after the deadline of 14th August, we then have 6 months to prepare stage three.
The Secretary said she had received a cheque from A Jary & Son in lieu of floral tributes for Esther Ward, and she had acknowledge this by writing to Esther's family. A cheque was also received from Mr G. Lovewell-Blake for £100, but he indicated he did not wish for an acknowledgement. This was as a result of gift aid now being in place.
The Calendar was shaping up nicely, and dates were now being organised to take the photographs.
The secretary asked on behalf of John Baldry that the goal posts should now be removed to allow re-seeding of the goal mouths, and the rubbish bins on the field/childrens’ playground were overflowing. Adrian and the Saturday morning crew would deal with this.
Paddy was unable to be at the Bingo on 14th June, Pat and Pauline very kindly offered to take charge this time.
The meeting closed at 8.25pm
Monday 10th June 2013, 7.00pm
- Apologies for Absence
- Minutes of last meeting 18 MARCH 2013
- Matters Arising
- Hall Re-decoration
- Fete 2013
- Lottery Update
- A.O.B.
Filby Playing Field
Annual General Meeting
Monday 18th March 2013 7.00PM in the Clubroom
MONDAY 18 MARCH 2013, 7.45PM
PRESENT: Peter Chapman, Adrian Thompson, Mervyn Gibson, David Thompson, John Baldry, Ann Hughes, Norman Hughes, David Harrod, Pat Bell, Paddy and Percy Hudson, Joy Baldry, Derek Nicker, Steve Elderkin, Pauline Barnard, John Gaze
Also present Mr Tony King
APOLOGIES: Tom and Jackie Green, Sandra Webb
Not present Ross Stanton
This meeting followed on from the A.G.M.
The minutes had been circulated and were proposed by Percy and seconded by Steve as a true record.
The school fees had now been paid.
The village calendar was ongoing and the secretary reported that several organisations were willing to take part and was hopeful of others also supporting this venture.
Nationwide Marquees had ceased trading, they had offered Adrian a 20ft wide by any length marquee which we could possibly buy, they were still trying to sell the business as a going concern.
Mervyn said that our marquee which had been broken was now repaired. It was noted that more advertising was needed for the hire of these.
Derek had asked John Clark if Aldreds could do a valuation on the village hall, and was told this should cost around £200. However Mr Clark would try to get Aldreds to do one valuation for us for free.
The visit to Scratby Hall had been arranged for Thursday 21st March, and several members of the committee would be attending.
Derek also reported that the renewal of planning permission had been granted for the new hall. As ever he and Peter were pursuing the application and yet another draft has been prepared. The issue of the current hall being demolished was once again firmly rejected. Peter reported that BIFFA would only grant money if the project was within 10 miles of a land fill site and Garfield Weston had also found an excuse not to part fund us.
The Defibrillator Training had taken place on 9th February and was well received, letter of thanks to be sent to Mr Ray Harling, the trainer.
Pat was now in possession of all the bunting and was currently washing and repairing same and would then store it for future use.
The Stone Angel concert was on 23rd March, proceeds are coming to us so please attend if you can.
The Easter Bazaar was also on 23rd March, Jenny asked for prizes etc.
Adrian asked that we still promote recycling, still some villagers put newspapers in the refuse bins. Jenny asked if any one had old towels and sheets could they leave at the house for recycling.
The Chairman said GYBC were promoting a syndicate for electricity, details to be found on the Borough website.
The Fete was briefly discussed and it was decided that we should once again ask Rob Chandler to attend even though his fee was £450. It was suggested we have arena events, to promote more interest, ideas were wanted for this. It was important to have a break between the afternoon events and the fireworks to enable a charge to be made for entry to the fireworks display.
The secretary would also order the fireworks, £2000 in all, £1200 for November and £800 for August.
There was no other business, the Chairman thanked everyone for coming, and that it had been an enjoyable meeting.
The meeting closed at 8.25pm
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Minutes of last meeting held 19 March 2012
3. Matters Arising
4. Chairman’s Report
5. Treasurer’s Report
6. Auditor
7. Election of Officers
8. Hire Rates 2013
9. Equal Opportunities Review
10. A.O.B.
PRESENT: Peter Chapman, Adrian Thompson Mervyn Gibson, David Thompson, John Baldry, Ann Hughes, Norman Hughes, Tom Green, Jackie Green, David Harrod, Pat Bell, Paddy and Percy Hudson, Joy Baldry, Derek Nicker, Steve Elderkin, Pauline Barnard
No apologies were received.
Not present:
John and Sandra Gaze, Ross Stanton
The minutes had been circulated and were proposed by Percy and seconded by Steve as a true record.
The secretary updated the committee on the issues regarding the non payment of the fees by the local school despite several letters and conversations between Adrian, the school secretary and head teacher, culminating in a letter being sent to the chair of governors, Rev G Steel. A reply from him intimated it was not a matter for the governors but he would attempt to resolve the matter at an appropriate opportunity. A general discussion ensued and it was suggested a letter be sent to NCC who ultimately would pay the fees through finance section of the education authority. Secretary to deal.
The question of a village calendar for 2014, featuring several sections of the community in pictures depicting the village at its best, ie in the summer, in limited state of undress, on a Calendar Girl type theme had been suggested by the secretary. This was met with some initial apathy , but after discussion etc. it was generally felt this did have some mileage and providing it was all done tastefully we could have some volunteers who would pose for pictures, and it could raise awareness and funds for the new hall, and probably a few laughs.
Nothing more had been heard from Nationwide Leisure regarding the marquees. Adrian would make a call to enquire the current situation.
Derek then gave a very comprehensive update on where we were with this. Planning permission had been renewed at a cost of £195 for a further 3 years, and a good response was received from the recent survey, On checking on the web site regarding the deadline for the latest application he found it had been extended to March 2015, whereas he had been given to understand March 2013 was the cut off date. On querying this with Charlotte Stannard it transpired very few applications had been received hence the revised date. It was once again pointed out to us that if we retain the present building it was very unlikely we would get lottery funding. He was also told that our current design was not big enough and that we should aim for a bigger building with two rooms; BLF did not look kindly to providing funds for extensions to new buildings. Fees already paid to our architect would therefore be wasted if we had to provide new plans. Lucinda Leonard had told Derek that Neatishead had to sell their original hall, under immense local opposition, however BLF insisted as no way would they be able to maintain two buildings, which was a valid point. John B asked if he could hire or sell to the parish council, Adrian wondered about renting the building out, and would there be any likelihood we would obtain planning permission. Pat suggested all we needed was a new walk through and a one room building looking out onto the playing field. The Chairman was vehemently against demolishing our existing building and several members agreed we were getting ahead of ourselves, and should wait until Derek had met with Mr Geoff Freeman who was the main instigator in the building of Scratby Village Hall. He has made an open invitation to all committee member to view the hall at Scratby. Derek would liaise with him to arrange this, as he was of the opinion that many things were incorporated in that hall which we had not thought of. The money for their hall was obtained from the Pubic Works Loan Board at a rate of 1.08%, and covered Little Ormesby, Gt Ormesby as well as Scratby. It should also be noted that there are two halls already in Ormesby and one in Little Ormesby. It transpired that Fleggburgh hall, funded by the lottery is very much dictated to by the BLF, and the committee there do not have a free hand in the running of the establishment. Scratby did not make a lottery application.
Charlotte Stannard does rent out an office at the Scratby venue, where they also have drama groups, conferences, receptions, and general meetings, and as well as activities. Peter reiterated that he maintains the current building is not a village hall but a small meeting room, and Jenny asked if there was any chance of getting the building listed.
It was proposed by David Harrod and seconded by Steve that we arrange to get the current building valued and Derek would arrange this through John Clark, his near neighbour. Adrian asked for a straw poll to see views on whether we should keep the current hall and Jackie indicated she would have no objection if it was demolished, no other views were forthcoming.
The night went quite well, not such a good attendance, more on foot perhaps than in cars, indicating just locals attended. Fireworks were very good. Steve wondered if we moved the event, to incorporate more festivities it would be more successful, ie band, carols maybe, but not too near Christmas as this is obviously a busy time.
Adrian has arranged for St John Ambulance Rep to give training on Saturday 9th February, 3 hours in the clubroom. We have 11 attending, John, Adrian, David, Pauline, Percy, Joy, Noreen, Margaret Fruin, and Steve from bowls club, Daphane Newton from W.I. one other lady from the shop, leaving one vacancy.
Sadly these were not too well attended, and takings were down. There are still several items in the tea rooms which need to be removed. Adrian would deal.
Joy read a letter from Sue Smith on behalf of the PCC regarding a concert to be held in the church, proceeds of which they have very kindly decided are going to the new hall fund. This was much appreciated and Pat then asked on behalf of the PCC if the committee would kindly sponsor the wine. This was agreed in principal, Pat to establish how many people were expected, so we could roughly work out how much wine was needed for one complimentary glass each.
Joy told the committee of the reception she and John attended along with many other organisations at the Town Hall, in recognition of the work done by the village to accommodate the Olympic Flag relay in July. Certificates were handed to each organisation and there was also a poem composed by our own Betty Brown, which the chairman read out. Tom very kindly agreed to frame the certificate so it can be hung in the hall.
The Jubilee flags had now been taken down and Pat asked they be returned to her so she can do repairs etc and make sure they are kept properly for the future.
Date for the AGM was arranged for Monday 4th March 2013
The Chairman thanked everyone for coming, and that a great deal had been discussed.
The meeting closed at 8.30pm
Date for AGM was subsequently changed when secretary realised she was not available on 4th March. New date is Thursday 21st March.
Draft Minutes of the Committee Meeting
Wednesday 17th October 2012, 7pm in the Clubroom
PRESENT: Peter Chapman, Adrian Thompson, Pat Bell, Paddy and Percy Hudson, Joy Baldry, Derek Nicker, Steve Elderkin, Pauline Barnard,
Also present was Mr Keith Johnson
APOLOGIES: Mervyn Gibson, David Thompson, John Baldry, Ann Hughes, Norman Hughes, Tom Green, Jackie Green, David Harrod.
Not present: John and Sandra Gaze, Ross Stanton,
In the absence of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman Adrian Thompson took the chair.
The minutes had been circulated and were proposed by Steve and seconded by Percy as a true record.
Ross had arranged for the lights on the playing field to be repaired and the bill of £100 had been paid. Ross would be asked to use his discretion in periodically taking the lights down and to ensure they were not on more than necessary. Strictly speaking planning permission should be obtained, and we do not want to antagonize neighbouring residents more than necessary.
It appears also the school are using the field regularly and an occasion arose this week when the archery club were on the field at the same time as the children. This has to be avoided. The secretary and vice chairman would arrange to see the head teacher at the school to ensure no further clashes take place, and hopefully obtain a time table. The archery club have priority on Sundays from 1pm and Wednesday and Friday evenings in the summer months. They also are able to use the field at other times if no other organisation is there.
Two representatives from the Lions Club were present and they presented us with a cheque for £350 our share of the profit made at the Fete in August. They were thanked for their ongoing support and this donation.
Adrian said that the marquee company, Nationwide, were ceasing trading, and if the organisation was not sold as a going concern we would have first refusal and a marquee for use at future events. Because of poor attendance at evening events we would not in future hire a large marquee, and would concentrate on the Monday Fete only. A further discussion would take place regarding as to whether or not the car boot and table top sale would take place. It could be the photographic exhibition could possibly be on the one day only. Some leaflets were distributed showing details of a produce and crafts show, which was another way of encouraging local residents to partake in village events. Similar events were held some years ago apparently. Perhaps a football tournament could be incorporated into the fund raising weekend to encourage local youngsters to attend. The attendance of Rob Chandler was raised as he was now costing £450, and that of Raz the Clown. It was thought however that the clown was a huge attraction to the children and Mr Chandler did give us free advertising on the local radio. All of these issues to be discussed again in detail next year.
Derek said that approximately 200 questionnaires had been received and almost 150 had returned the diversity and ethnicity forms as well. This represented almost 50% with which he was quite pleased.
The second application was to be submitted by March 2013, but Derek was hopeful of completion by the end of the year. Some user groups still have to be seen. He reported that several people had asked for a cinema club to enable the showing of classic and films of interest. Several other areas did have such a club whereby a film is shown regularly.
Posters were ready, cost to be the same as last year, £3 and £2, gates open at 5pm, fire to be lit by Peter at 6pm. Pauline, Joy and hopefully Anne to man the tea rooms, serving soup and rolls, tea, coffee and hot chocolate and squash. John would man the bar serving wine, and cans of beer and lager. Licence had been obtained. Derek would inform the local press, the Mercury and Advertiser are also doing a feature. Fun fare and food wagon were attending.
The secretary had new prices for the Union flag which was needed, it was decided we would have a 6ft x 4ft 6in flag at a cost of £48.30 plus VAT from Yarmouth Stores, Joy to arrange.
Defibrillator training was to be arranged so we all know how to use this which is situated at the post office. Adrian to arrange with St John’s Ambulance.
Derek asked if the quiz nights could be incorporated on the village planner. Adrian said the fuel syndicate was now going very well, and was being well supported.
The meeting closed at 8pm
Adrian Thompson Vice Chairman
Approved Minutes of the Committee Meeting
Thursday 16th August 2012, 7pm in the Clubroom
Not available.
Approved Minutes of the Committee Meeting
Monday 16th July 2012, 7pm in the Clubroom
Present: David Thompson (Chairman), Adrian Thompson, Pat Bell, Joy Baldry (Secretary), Paddy Hudson, Percy Hudson, Mervyn Gibson, John Baldry, John Gaze, Norman Hughes, Ann Hughes, Peter Chapman, Jenny Thompson, Derek Nicker, Jackie and Tom Green, David Harrod, Ross Stanton, Pauline Barnard.
APOLOGIES: Steve Elderkin, Sandra Gaze
The Chairman welcomed Mrs Pauline Barnard to her first meeting of the playing field committee.
Minutes of Last Meeting 17th May 2012
The secretary read an e-mail from EMF regarding the installation of a mobile phone mast in the village which indicated they would be considering this but were not in a position to confirm whether this option would materialize.
A letter from Marie Hartley was read out thanking the committee, and village as a whole, for the support given in arranging the Olympic torch relay on 5th July.
A cheque for £400 had been received from Mr Brian Prime as a donation towards the purchase of one of the two gazebos we had purchased, each one being £399.00. A letter of thanks would be done.
Proposed by Mervyn seconded by Pat.
Lottery Update, New Community Centre
Derek then gave a very comprehensive talk and PowerPoint presentation on the history of the lottery applications made so far, and the many hoops, into which he and Peter had jumped many times, to where we now stood in relation to having any chance of succeeding in gaining a grant for a new community centre in the village. They met with lottery representatives on 4th July and were dismayed to be told the goal posts had now been moved.
This was followed by a long discussion as Derek informed us it was unlikely funding would be given as we already had a facility, the current Clubroom. To demolish this was met with dismay, but it was thought we should get the views of three estate agents as to its value. It would not be demolished before any new building was up and running and it could be, should we get that far, (stage one and two have to be obtained first), then again rules etc. could be changed, as the Chairman and Vice Chairman were vehemently against its demise. Could we consider renting the building out, but still maintain ownership? Would the parish council be interested? Could we apply for listing status? All these questions were muted by members of the committee.
Under the new conditions priority has to be given to deprived people, we have to prove by way of questionnaires the need for the new facility. They wanted all residents to be interviewed personally and a questionnaire completed. This was not met with enthusiasm and the alternative was given to Derek in as much as individual current stakeholders could be interviewed and a questionnaire, which Derek would prepare, be completed. He asked these be returned to him before Sunday 30th September 2012. He has asked Keith Johnson to look at the 'green' issues in relation to the new hall. The recent news that deprived youngsters were to be residential at Filby Hall could prove to be beneficial to our cause. Mr Rapley is to be seen.
The following volunteered to carry out the interviews within their own organisations, and the shop would also hold some forms for any customers to fill out. A minimum of 5 from each organisation must be personally interviewed:
- Craft Club ......... Pat
- Sales and Events ... Jenny
- Football ........... Ross
- Computer ........... Derek
- Drama Group ........ Peter
- Bowls .............. JB
- W.I. ............... Caroline N
- Local Bands ........ Joy
- Druids ............. Adrian
- Parish Council .....
- Bingo .............. Paddy
- In Bloom ........... Adrian
- Broadland Yacht Club Joy
Should we be successful in stage one, stage two would mean several members of the committee being subject to in depth interviews to prove we could sustain the new building.
Mervyn asked if the chairman had seen any documentation relating to the change of use from holiday use to residential use for Filby Hall. The Chairman then thanked Derek for his excellent presentation and for all the work he and Peter continue to do on behalf of us all.
Adrian reported that the hypnotist originally booked for the Saturday evening had retired and enquiries are now ongoing with a view to having a mind reader instead. Friday night was to have been the auction, the secretary had reservations about this as she felt because so little money was raised last year, people would be reluctant to give items so soon, and that maybe we should rethink this. A further discussion ensued and it was suggested we have an auction of items currently in Jenny's barn and any items committee members no longer needed. All monies would go to the hall fund, it would mean much less work. Any items not sold would be available again at the car boot on Sunday morning or as bric brac at the fete on Monday. We do need an auctioneer. On Sunday evening local celebrity Nigel Boy Syer was booked to entertain.
Paddy and Anne offered to do refreshments for the car boot on Sunday morning, John would man the car park.
Jenny would collect the money from stall holders. How much?? The secretary gave figures of how much the car boot had made over recent years, which had seen a steady decline. The bar would be run by John again, apart from fete day on the Monday, when the Lions would once again be on hand. There was no licence for a bar on Friday night, but Adrian would check this out. It was thought tea and coffee could be made available. Ross said he would ask his wife, Tina and her willing helpers, to once again take charge in the tea rooms on Fete day, which was readily accepted.
A long discussion then took place regarding the fee each stallholder should pay to stand on the field. Currently it was £30 for traders, £15 for charity and £10 for local stalls. The traders who sometimes have large items, ie go karts, bouncy castles etc., should pay more, and £50 was suggested. Several members thought this too high, and another dispute took place, it was eventually decided traders would be charged £30 and all others £20.
This is to be reviewed each year, as the treasurer also gave a run down of the income from outside stalls for the past 6 years. John said the football field must be kept clear of large items which would damage the playing surface. Adrian said the sighting of stalls etc. would be monitored on the day. The water heater was broken and needed repair. Ross had offered last year to look at running a burger stall, and would confirm his availability in due course to do this. Pauline said the outside toilets were in a disgusting state, and needed attention. The possibility of hiring Portaloos was suggested. It was thought however, we should spend the money on putting right the outside toilets as they were needed at all events.
The Chairman said the Open Gardens Weekend had been very well attended, and that £1600 had been raised to be shared between the Church, In Bloom and the Playing Field. Mervyn remarked on the poor state of the footpaths and that we ought to ensure they were cut before any similar event in the future. The council no longer dealt with this and would be down to the parish to arrange. The Chairman would bring this up at the next Parish council meeting.
The secretary had been asked if there could be a slight reduction in the hire charge for a charity jumble sale later in the year, this was agreed and the fee would be £12 instead of £15.
John Baldry had been shown by Tony King of Wherry Archers some unidentified small holes in the playing field adjacent to the car park field on the left hand side. The Saturday morning crew would look at these. He also said Mr King had brought his attention to a cans/rubbish being left on the field, which was probably down to locals unfortunately leaving their rubbish behind.
Pat asked about the new gazebo and whether we were prepared to hire these out. Hire charges were discussed and £50 proposed and seconded. Another proposal for £40 was made and also seconded. Voting took place with 8 voting for proposal 1 and 10 for proposal 2. Hire rates would therefore be £40, with a £40 deposit also being taken. Derek would look up a hire contract for completion.
Peter said the church did very well with refreshments at open gardens and made £600.
Mervyn said the first gift aid application was ready for submission to inland revenue, amounting to £360.00. It is important all monies are listed as donations rather than purchases in order to benefit from gift aid.
The Secretary had received literature asking us to once again arrange the Macmillan Coffee Morning in September, someone needs to take on the responsibility for this if we intend to partake.
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and for their input at this rather long but important meeting which finally ended at 9.10pm.
Approved Minutes of the Meeting
Thursday 17th May 2012, 7pm in the Clubroom
Present: David Thompson (Chairman), Adrian Thompson, Pat Bell, Joy Baldry (Secretary), Derek Nicker, Paddy Hudson, Percy Hudson, Mervyn Gibson, John Baldry, John Gaze, Sandra Gaze, Norman Hughes, Ann Hughes.
Apologies: Peter Chapman, Jenny Thompson, Steve Elderkin, Jackie and Tom Green, David Harrod, Ross Stanton.
Minutes of Last Meeting
The Secretary said that the high viz vests had been purchased and ready for use at the Jubilee Celebrations.
The Chairman said the sum of £2000 had been awarded from the GYBC for the four parishes of Filby, Fleggburgh, Stokesby, and Runham, so each would get £500 for expenses incurred in the village,
Proposed by Percy and seconded by John Baldry.
Olympic Torch Relay 5th July 2012
Further confirmation that the torch would arrive in the village at 0812 and leave Poplar Drive at 0834.
GYBC would provide barriers and Portaloos, in designated areas, and school children would be placed in three areas:
- outside the post office
- the village hall
- on the Pound
School children should be in place by 7.45am. Security will be paramount, and the media will of course be present.
The sailing club has indicated an interest in being involved, Ruth Bonham being the contact given by Marie who also told us £250 had been awarded to us by the Sports Council towards expenses.
If necessary additional parking can be provided at the Broadland Leisure Centre, we already have the playing field facilities for cars and the Filby Bridge restaurant car park for coaches. Bunting and flags should be provided by early June.
There was a lengthy discussion about road closures, particularly Thrigby Road, and it was suggested some kind of signs should be placed past the Wildlife Park indicating the junction with the A1064 would be temporarily closed. This would avoid congestion and the problems of vehicles reversing. Marie said the police would control this aspect of the proceedings. The refuse men had been made aware of the activities. Marie then left the meeting.
After the flame has left the village the local school is holding its Annual Sports Day on the field. Some of the runners would be remaining behind with their torch and it was thought we would open the tea rooms and provide refreshments should any one want a hot drink etc.
Jubilee Celebration 4th June
Confirmation of the timings for the day:
- 3 — 4pm: childrens' games
- 4 — 5pm: magician
- 5 — 6pm: childrens' tea
- 6 — 8pm: live music
- 8 — 10:15: Party in the Park with music
- 10:15pm: Lighting of the Beacon
Leaflets would be circulated to the school and village providing all the relevant information.
Funding had been received as follows:-
- NCC £200
- GYBC £200
- Big Lottery £1900
- NCC £100
- Sportspark £250
£350 of this must be spent on the Olympics leaving a balance of £2300 for jubilee expenses. 200 mugs have been ordered from Yarmouth Pottery, 168 were already accounted for, this being 111 to children attending the party, 25 to Stokesby and 32 have been ordered. A proposal that mugs should be sold for £5 each was proposed and seconded, as was a proposal for a retail cost of £4 each. A vote was taken, resulting in the £5 proposal being chosen.
Adrian had made enquiries into the purchase of a small marquee, 6 mtrs x 4 mtrs., at a cost of £399 each. These could be hired out and used on several other occasions so it was proposed by Percy and seconded by Ann that we go ahead with this purchase, all in favour.
Louise offered to buy the cups, plates etc. Jugs were needed to make up squash for the children who would sit at trestle tables for their tea. Marjorie would obtain costs of balloons and helium. She would be making all the cup cakes and Louise all the sandwiches. We have a disco booked and a local band playing from 6pm to 8pm. The beacon would be lit at 10.15, and was being prepared by Peter Chapman. All receipts must be kept as they have to be submitted to the authorities etc. Two food outlets would be on site and the Fox and Hounds has offered to run a bar.
Child Protection Policy
As an organisation it is necessary for us to formally adopt a child protection policy. This had been prepared by Derek and was duly adopted by the committee present. Keith Johnson said he would update the village web site accordingly.
Mr Thompson, Wychwood, Main Road
A letter has been received complaining about the floodlights on the field used by the footballers for training purposes. As it was now the close season Ross would be asked to remove these asap. and to take them down after each training session in the future. They should also be tested by a qualified electrician.
Hall Update
Derek told the committee he had now prepared yet another application which was being checked by Tanya at NRDC. Peter would then get the application vetted before final submission.
The secretary asked if thought could be given to redecorating the club room. It was not thought an essential task but something that could be looked at later in the year. Hopefully we may get some volunteers to help out.
The secretary then left the meeting and the remaining minutes were taken by Mr John Baldry.
Adrian reported that the secretary had made enquiries regarding the siting of a mobile phone mast in the village. A form had been submitted to the appropriate authorities. It was decided the mast, if approved, would be sited on land belonging to David as opposed to the playing field. He would then pay to the playing field funds any monies received, less expenses, ie electricity.
Pat Bell proposed that Pauline Barnard be co-opted onto the committee. We have recently lost two valued members, and new willing helpers are always wanted. This was unanimously agreed.
The meeting closed at 8.45pm
Addendum: After the meeting Mr Brian Prime offered to pay for one of the marquees, this kind gesture was accepted by the Vice-chairman, Adrian Thompson.
You can also follow what is happening in the village week by week by visiting Village Voice.
Minutes of the Filby Playing Field
Annual General Meeting
Monday 19th March 2012, 7.00pm in the Clubroom
PRESENT: David Thompson (Chairman), Peter Chapman, Pat Bell, Percy Hudson, Paddy Hudson, David Harrod, Joy Baldry, John Gaze, Derek Nicker, Mervyn Gibson, Tom Green, Jackie Green, Steve Elderkin, Jenny Thompson, John Baldry
APOLOGIES: Sandra Webb, Ross Stanton, Ann and Norman Hughes, Brian Prime
There were seven members of the public present and Maria Hartley from GYBC.
Minutes of the last A.G.M. held on 21st March 2011
The minutes of the previous AGM had been circulated, they were proposed by Percy Hudson and seconded by Mervyn as a true record.
David welcomed everyone and thanked all members of the committee who had worked hard, carrying out their respective tasks, be it bingo, clothes recycle, paper collection, maintenance, craft and goodies sales and social events, including the Fete entertainment, with a good heart. The administrative work carried out by Derek and Peter in conjunction with Mervyn in bringing about funding donations was very complicated, and if not submitted correctly then our bids for funding would fail, so a great deal of responsibility was with these three gentlemen to ensure the applications were correct. Mervyn had now completed the formalities in sorting out the gift aid literature. The ladies at the craft club were given special mention for their continuing fund raising efforts, in particular Jenny and Pat, for her work in the preparation of the bunting and rosettes for the Jubilee celebrations. The chairman thanked them on behalf of the whole committee for their sterling work.
It was agreed by all present that Mr Tooke should be asked to continue as auditor.
The treasurer read out her report on the financial state of the club, and gave a outline of the expenditure and income and details of bank accounts held. A new bond would be opened with Barclays who were offering 2.8% interest on sums of over £10,000. The vice-chairman pointed out that we paid for the glass banks to be emptied by the ton, but that the paper was collected free of charge. We currently received 46.8 per ton on glass and paper.
The secretary then asked for nomination for the position of Chairman of the playing field committee and it was proposed by John Baldry and seconded by Percy Hudson that the officers remain in their present positions for the forthcoming year. There were no objections. The Chairman thanked the committee and indicated he would like to stay in the position for a further year.
The Treasurer outlined the charges in neighbouring villages, and after a long discussion it was decided that the fees from 1st April 2012 would be £15. Occasional users, £20, child parties £25, Teenage parties £40 with £40 deposit and field and pavilion £50. Wherry Archery fees would remain the same at £400, the bowls club would increase to £60, The Football fees were then discussed; fees were waived for the first year ie, 2011/12. Unfortunately Ross was not present but after some discussion it was decided a fee of £15 per game would be charged for the 2012/13 season. The Runham and Filby boys team do not pay a fee.
A letter had been received from Mrs Noreen Tungate, which was read by the secretary, indicating that with regret Noreen had decided to resign from the playing field committee after being a member for well over 20 years. Family commitments prevented her regular attendance at meetings. Noreen did however offer to continue to purchase the bingo prizes twice yearly, which was much appreciated by everyone. A letter of thanks for her many years of work was to be sent.
Jenny then asked if members could supply raffle prizes, cakes and filled baskets for the Easter bonanza to be held on 31st March. Derek would do the advertisement to the EDP and Yarmouth Mercury and Joy would do Radio Norfolk and Radio Broadland.
There was no further business and the AGM was closed.
Draft minutes are put to the next meeting for approval.