sun sign Filby snow sign

From the 16th July 2009 meetings have been held in the Clubroom, Main Road at 2.00 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month

New members are always welcomed

For more information please contact:
Valerie Brock - Secretary Filby WI
Phone 01493 720014

Women's Institute Reports

This page carries the Secretary's monthly reports on the institute's activities for 2013.

The latest reports will be found on the W.I. main page or by following the link at the top to Village Voice.

22nd December 2013

The monthly meeting was held in the Club Room on 19th December.
President Jan Howard welcomed 24 members.
Minutes were taken as read.
Business - Valerie Brock was thanked for decorating a Christmas Tree at the Christmas Fair in the Club Room on our behalf with items given by members.
Valerie Brock and Sue Smith had been pleased to serve refreshments to the parents of the children after Filby School's Christmas Play.
4 members are going to the Sugarcraft Day at Federation Office and 3 members are attending the AGM in March.
Lottery Bonus Ball winner was Monica Betts.
Birthday posies or cards were for Valerie Brock, Lois Duncombe, Margaret Coe, Jackie Green and Ella Slean.
Jan presented Ann Chapman with a WI Voucher to celebrate being a member of Filby WI for 40 years.
Jan started our Christmas Party with a humorous Christmas poem.
A lovely finger buffet brought and shared with members followed by pieces of Christmas cake and Mince Pies was enjoyed.
Jan and May Wanless had organised pass the parcel and a topical quiz with 12 events held during 2013.
A vote of thanks to the Committee was given by Pam Pritchett.
Jan wished everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
A very happy afternoon ended with everyone singing 'We wish you a Merry Christmas'.


10th December 2013

Filby WI next meet at 2.00pm in the Club Room on 19th December. This is our Christmas Party. Please bring drink, glass and cutlery. Also completed Resolution Form from the latest WI Life Magazine. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to our friends who are not able to be at this meeting.


26th November 2013

President Jan Howard welcomed members to the Annual Meeting on 21st November.

We were very saddened to hear of the death of our dear friend Mary Gay. Mary had been a member of Filby WI since May 2007 and always joined in our activities. A group photograph taken in the summer with her on will always be treasured. A minutes silence was observed in her memory.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read, approved and signed.
Business - Members were asked to bring their completed Resolution Forms (in the latest issue of WI Life) to the next meeting. On display was our Scrapbook of all events during the year kept up to date by Stella Cotton. Also knitted Teddies for the International Aid Trust. Report from the Family Nurses Partnership showing matinee jackets handed over recently and items that have been knitted for the latest John Groom's Court project.
Members were thanked for their hard work doing these projects.
Lottery Bonus Ball winner was Linda Palmer.
Raffle winner was Molly Dorrington.
Birthday cards or posies were for Chris Martin, Lyn Ridpath and Angela Beeston.
During the interval cups of tea with pieces of apple pie made with Norfolk Beefing Apples picked from our tree in the Community Orchard were enjoyed.
Jackie Green had brought along  lovely items of jewellery made by her husband to buy or order.
Jackie gave a donation to funds from the sales.
Official business - Copies of the Financial Report were given out and the Treasurer gave her report. We have had a good year financially.
The Committee Report was given by Valerie Brock detailing all the activities taken place during the year.
President Jan Howard gave her report and thanked everyone for making Filby WI a successful and very caring group. Monica Betts was given a Plant Arrangement as a thank you for making all the Birthday Posies during the year. Monica always gives her money for the flowers to the ACWW.
Vote of thanks to the President was given by Lyn Ridpath.
Stella Cotton read out next year's programme full of interesting speakers.
May Wanless gave her Bring and Buy report and thanked members for the items given for the stall. Always an ongoing thing.
We welcomed 2 new members onto the Committee - Sue Smith and Vivien Moore. Daphne Newton will be leaving the Committee this year.
All officers will remain the same for 2014.
Jan ended a lovely meeting with a poem leaving us with a smile on our faces.
Next meeting our Christmas Party. Please bring own refreshments, glass and cutlery.


15th November 2013

Filby WI next meet in the Club Room at 2.00pm on 21st November for the Annual Meeting.
Jackie Green will be bringing a selection of jewellery to sell or to order.
Pieces of apple pie made with Norfolk Beefing Apples picked from our tree in the Community Orchard will be available with refreshments.
Items are required to decorate our Christmas tree at the Tree Festival in the Club Room on 8th December. Our theme is the musical «The Sound of Music». Please bring them to this meeting.


19th October 2013

The monthly meeting was held in the Club Room on 17th October. After the singing of Jerusalem Vice President Lyn Ridpath welcomed members. Speaker for the afternoon, Charlotte Philcox, gave an interesting talk with slides and wartime memorabilia about 'From Ration Book to Recession'. Sue Smith gave the vote of thanks. After refreshments and pieces of delicious cake the business took place.
Invitation from Catfield WI for their party was accepted. Two members will be attending The Moodie Workshop in Norwich next year to learn more about the VV1website.
We are decorating a Christmas Tree at the Festival in the Clubroom on 8th December. The theme this year is musicals and we have chosen «The Sound of Music». Members were asked to bring items relevant to this theme to the next meeting.
Christmas box was available for members to donate to a Women's Refuge in Norwich instead of exchanging Cards between each other. We will be having a speaker from the Refuge at our January meeting.
Lottery Bonus Ball rollover was won by Janet Laxon.
Raffle winner was Pam Pritchett.
Birthday posies were for Molly, Linda, Elaine Ellis and Janet. Card had been sent to Joyce.


23rd September 2013

Vice President Stella Cotton welcomed members to the September meeting held in Filby Club Room.
The speaker for the afternoon was Julie Porter with the subject «Re-cycling with a difference». The re-cycling in this instance being old clothing, plastic bags, ties and old pieces of jewellery all of which she made into lovely lined handbags, shopping bags, brooches and other small items. You name it Julie will have a go and she gave an interesting talk about how she got into doing all of this, along with a demonstration of using plastic bags for crochet work.
Vote of thanks was given by Valerie Brock.
After refreshments the business took place. Invitation from Gt. Ormesby WI to attend their party was accepted.
The Table Runner entered in the Tomorrow's Heirloom Competition had not been chosen to go further in the competition and neither had the President's Brooch, but that was commended.
Members were asked if they would like to consider joining the Committee.
Gift Vouchers are available for £10.00 each to be used against next year's membership. This is an idea for Christmas presents.
Harnser Group Meeting is on 23rd October, 7.30pm in Hemsby Village Hall. Entertainment is by Rig, Jig a Jig.
Janet Laxon was thanked for knitting Christmas Decorations which have been sold for funds for a local Young Carers Charity.
Lottery Bonus Ball was a rollover.
Raffle was won by June Pratt.
Birthday posy was given to Doreen Thompson. Cards have been sent to Jan Howard and Jean Shears.


9th September 2013

Next meeting is 19th September at 2.00pm in the Club Room. Speaker is Julie Porter 'Recycling with a difference'. Members going on the trip to Cambridge who haven't paid, please bring £10.00 to the meeting. Deposit of £5 is also required from members wishing to go for lunch at 'Moments' on 24th October.


19th August 2013

29 members met at the home of Daphne Newton on a warm sunny 15th August to enjoy an afternoon in her beautiful garden. We had a group photograph taken in our summer outfits for Filby Village Calendar 2014.
A newsletter was handed to everyone giving details of events happening now and in the future.
Subs for next year will be £34.70.
Our next knitting project is brown squares and knitted flowers, butterflies, etc., for a wooden pergola being constructed to raise funds for John Grooms Court Home for disabled young people in Norwich.
Members brought photos of themselves as babies for a fun competition. Lyn Ridpath got most points for guessing the identities on the photographs.
A raffle had several winners.
Jean Poulter spoke about how she started doing Stain Glass work. She brought along some beautiful items and gave a demonstration of a simple glass cutting procedure.
Cups of tea and delicious cakes were enjoyed during the afternoon.
A vote of thanks was given by Lyn Ridpath who thanked Daphne, Jean and everyone who had made cakes and helped with the teas.
The proceeds of the raffle were given to Daphne by President Jan Howard for a charity of her choice.


5th August 2013

Filby WI next meet at 2.00pm on 15th August at Daphne Newton's home. Please wear Summer Outfit (with hat if possible) as we will be having a group photo taken for a month in Filby Village Calendar 2014. Also bring a photograph of yourself as a baby or toddler for a fun competition during the afternoon.
There will be a raffle for a Charity of Daphne's choice.
Also Jean will be displaying very different Stain Glass items for sale and Jackie will be bringing unusual jewellery for sale. Please let Daphne know if you have to cancel. Bring your own chair if possible. Thank you.


22nd July 2013

President Jan Howard welcomed 22 members to the July meeting in Filby Club Room.
Speaker for the afternoon was Daphne Howlett who gave a very interesting talk on «The History of the WI» up to the present day. She brought along several pictures and WI memorabilia. She gave us an update on Denman College.
Vote of thanks was given by Daphne Newton.
Refreshments followed with pieces of 3 cakes made by Margaret Riseborough from recipes in the latest WI Life magazine with unusual ingredients - Courgette and Lemon, Pear, Rhubarb and Ginger and Beetroot and Raisin. All were delicious.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read, approved and signed.
Business - Donation of £25 has been given to Filby in Bloom. A further supply of matinee jackets made by members, friends and Filby Craft Club ladies had been passed on to the Family Partnership and more Teddies for under privileged children abroad. Our next project is to make Christmas Decorations to be sold at Wolterton Hall Costume and Textile Fair in aid of a Young Carers Charity. Janet Laxon has started us off.
Lyn Ridpath told us about a Nosh and Natter Lunch she and May had been to at Fed. Office. These are monthly events and are highly recommended.
Lottery Bonus Ball Winner was Angela Beeston.
Raffle winner was Pam Pritchett.
Birthday posies were for Pam Pritchett, Sue Smith and Betty Burchell.
Outings - Caister WI have invited us to join them on 11th September for a day in Hunstanton.
Meal has been booked at «Moments» for 24th October.
Margaret Coe has invited members for a swim in the heated outdoor pool at her home on 23rd August followed by a lunch.
Some members visited the Community Orchard in Filby last week. We took refreshments and had a nice chat after walking round the grounds, all beautifully kept.
Finally at the meeting Jan Howard gave flowers to Lyn Ridpath for completing a Scrapbook of Filby Wl's first 75 years. Stella Cotton was also given flowers for doing an ongoing Scrapbook of our activities and for making a President's brooch for the Heirloom Competition. Margaret Riseborough had flowers to thank her for making a beautiful Table Runner for the Heirloom Competition.


8th July 2013

Filby WI next meeting 18th July 2.00pm in the Club Room. Speaker will be Daphne Howlett «The History of the WI».
The next project for members who are handy with sewing needles or knitting needles is to make Christmas Decorations to be sold at Wolterton Hall Costume and Textile Fair in September to raise money for a local charity supporting Young Carers. lt would be nice to support the young ones.
Final details for the visit to How Hill on 1st August will be arranged.


24th June 2013

President Jan Howard welcomed 29 members and 2 guests to the monthly meeting in the Clubroom. Speaker for the afternoon was Peter Barnes who spoke about, and showed pictures of his time, in the Royal Navy serving on The Royal Yacht Britannia. This was a very interesting talk and Mr Barnes answered several questions from members afterwards.
Vote of thanks was given by Pam Pritchett.
After refreshments we all went outside, on a very chilly afternoon, to have a group photograph taken by Keith Johnson for a new display in Filby Church.
Business - Minutes were taken as read. No matters arising.
Invitation was accepted from Hemsby WI for their Strawberry Tea.
Stella Cotton is organising tickets for the Norfolk and Norwich Operatic Society performance of 'Anything Goes' next year.
Looses Cookshop in Norwich are offering a 10% discount for the month of July to WI members on everything they sell, on production of the WI membership card. We have been invited to join the Neighbourhood Group Get Together. This is run by Caister and Ormesby WIs. They meet twice a year for games and a natter. The next meeting is 22nd July at 7.00pm in the Bracecamp Hall, Ormesby.
Stella Cotton read out details of some speakers booked for next year.
Members were asked if they would make cakes for the August Garden Party.
Members were told that the resolution at the Annual Meeting had been passed by a 2/3rds majority.
Lottery Bonus Ball Competition winner was Vivien Moore.
Raffle draw was won by Elaine Ellis.
Birthday posy was given to Daphne Newton.


09th June 2013

Next meeting is on 20th June at 2.00pm in the Club Room. A photograph of members is to be taken before the meeting outside the Club Room. This is for a new display being arranged in the Church from 1st July. The speaker this month is Peter Barnes talking about and showing slides of the Royal Yacht Britannia. This talk will take approx. 1 to 1 and quarter hours. Payment of £8.50 is due for visit to How Hill.


20th May 2013

President Jan Howard welcomed members to the May meeting in the Club Room.
The discussion about the Resolution to be discussed at the Annual Meeting in Cardiff -'Decline of the High Street' was started off by Valerie Brock. A lot of interesting points were raised about this subject, especially by members who are involved in businesses in Great Yarmouth.The high cost of rent for small businesses was one of the items mentioned.
Our delegate is to be asked to vote for the resolution.
Vote of thanks was given by Elaine Ellis.
Before the main business refreshments and cake for £1 were enjoyed. This was a fund raising event.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read, approved and signed.
Business - Invitations were accepted from Caister and Acle. We have been invited to join Hemsby on their outing to Cambridge in October. Also Caister has invited us on a visit to Jimmy's Farm in July. We are also joining Sea Palling for a Beetle Drive and Supper in August.
In November we will be having a 50/50 sale. However, if members have something to sell before then, please let Jan know details.
Members were asked if they had heard any speakers that they could recommend for next year's programme.
Stella Cotton has made a very pretty President's brooch and Margaret Riseborough has made a lovely Table Runner to be entered in the Federations 'Tomorrow's Heirloom' competition. They were greatly admired by everyone.
Knitted matinee jackets for babies of Teenage Mothers and Teddy Bears for under privileged children abroad, all made by members, were on display.
Jan thanked everyone involved in these projects.
Outing to How Hill 1st August. Cost £8.50 payable at the June meeting please.
Lottery Bonus Ball winner was Betty Burchell. Raffle winner was Doreen Thompson.
Birthday cards were for Monica Betts, Stella Cotton, May Wanlass and Margaret Riseborough.


23rd April 2013

Filby WI celebrated their 79th birthday on 18th April 2013 in Fleggburgh Village Hall. President Jan Howard welcomed 51 members including 2 new Filby members Janice Green and Elaine Henwood and guests from local WIs.
An invitation from The Heath Group to their meeting on 8th May was accepted.
Our May meeting is a fund raiser for our 2014 party and a cup of tea and a slice of cake will be for sale for £1.00. Members were asked to do some baking if possible. We are joining in with the project to knit matinee jackets for babies born to teenage mothers being looked after by the Family Services. Our summer outing is to How Hill on 1st August.
The entertainment for our party was provided by Pam Warren and friends. This was songs from the shows, opera and poetry reading. A very diverse programme was enjoyed by all of us.
Vote of thanks was given by Jan.
A ham or cheese salad with cheese scones and an assortment of pickles, made by member Jackie Green, followed by delicious desserts, made by members, was our lovely party meal.
Daphne Howlett gave a vote of thanks on behalf of the guests. The President thanked members for all the hard work to make the evening a success.
Raffle prizes were drawn and Marjorie Mingay from Hemsby won the guest raffle.
Birthday posies were given to Diane Smith and Janice Green.


7th April 2013

Members next meet on 18th April at 6.30pm in Fleggburgh Village Hall. This is our party night for members only and invited guests from neighbouring WIs. If you have to cancel at the last minute please let Jan know. Thank you. There will be the usual Bring and Buy stall and a big raffle.


25th March 2013

Filby WI met in the Club Room on 21st March. President Jan Howard welcomed members and 2 guests.
A minutes silence was held in memory of Esther Ward who passed away recently. Esther had been a valued member of the WI initially joining in the 1960's, but then continuously from 1997 to the present time. We will all miss her.
The speaker for the afternoon was Mr David Morton who gave a very interesting talk with slides about The History of Buckingham Palace. He also showed slides of the beautiful rooms inside the Palace.
Vote of thanks was given by Stella Cotton.
After refreshments minutes of the previous meeting were read, approved and signed.
Invitations from Winterton to attend their party and Caister on Sea to join them on a visit to Bury St Edmunds were accepted.
May Wanlass was thanked for organising the visit to Ambitions Restaurant.
Lyn Ridpath thanked members for their donations to the Associated Country Women of the World and a special thank you to Monica Betts who gives the money she is given for doing all the birthday posies during the year to this worthwhile cause.
Final arrangements were mentioned for the party in April.
Extra help to get out chairs and tables for the meetings in the Club Room each month was requested.
Lottery bonus ball winner was Angela Beeston.
50p draw winner was Lyn Ridpath.
Birthday posy was given to Tricia Gillett and card had been sent to Olga Marsh.


1st March 2013

It is with great sadness Filby WI announce the death of Esther Ward. Esther first joined Filby WI in the early 1960s serving on the Committee during that time. She re-joined in 1997 and was a member up to the present time, once again serving on the Committee. Esther always enjoyed the WI activities, helping and giving lifts to friends when required. She will be very much missed by us all.


25th February 2013

President Jan Howard welcomed members to the February meeting in the Club Room.
The speaker, Mr Jon Read, gave an interesting and sometimes humorous talk with slides on 'Tales from the Gasworks'.
Vote of thanks was given by Valerie Brock.
After refreshments Minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed. An invitation from Rollesby WI was accepted.
£100 has been sent to Dementia UK for Admiral Nurses Norfolk. This was made up of donations from members, December raffle and balance from funds.
The resolution to be discussed at the Annual Meeting in June is 'Decline of our high streets and town centres'. Members were asked if they had any comments which can be discussed at our Resolution Meeting in May.
The next Harnser Group Meeting is on 27th March at Hemsby Village Hall at 7.30pm. The speaker is Jason Roper from The Theatre Royal, Norwich.
Lottery Bonus Ball Winner was Margaret Riseborough.
Pretty Birthday Posies, made by Monica Betts, were for Ann Chapman, Vivien Moore and Helen Scott.
Raffle prize was won by Molly Dorrington.


19th January 2013

President Jan Howard welcomed 25 members and 1 guest to the first meeting of the year.
Our speaker Mr Jonathon Smith, one of six Norfolk Police Historians, gave a very interesting talk with slides about the history of the Norfolk Constabulary from its beginnings in the 1800s to 1943. We look forward to hearing the second part of his talk to the present day. Vote of thanks was given by Valerie Brock.
After refreshments Minutes of the previous meeting were read, approved and signed. Details of various events being organised by Federation Office were read out. Invitation from Sea Palling to their 45th Birthday Party was accepted. Donation has been sent to the Parish News towards their costs. The Village Hall Fund benefits from the emails we send to the Mercury twice a month with our news. Lyn Ridpath gave a detailed breakdown to members of how the yearly subscription is split up. She was thanked by Mary Gay for explaining this.
The next outing is to Ambitions Restaurant, Gt. Yarmouth College on 7th March for a 3 course lunch. Please let Valerie know if you want to go and weren't at the meeting.
Lottery Bonus Ball Competition was a rollover.
Raffle was won by Margaret Coe.
Birthday posies made by Monica Betts or birthday cards were for Angela Pacey, Rita Hill and Sylvia Cushing.


6th January 2013

Happy New Year to everyone.
The next meeting is on January 17th at 2.00pm in the Club Room. The speaker will be Mr Jonathan Smith 'History of Norfolk Constabulary'. Vote of thanks Valerie.
Teas - Linda Palmer, Helen and Caroline. No need to bring anything.
Subscriptions are due at this meeting.
Lunch has been booked at Ambitions Restaurant, Gt. Yarmouth College on 7th March. Members only. Please bring £5 deposit to January meeting.
Also bring your completed AGM 2013 Resolution Form printed in latest edition of WI Life Magazine. Thank you.


For more information on the Filby and District Womens Institute go to: Additional information

For details of officers, meetings, subscriptions etc. go to: Additional information

Details of our past programmes can be found at:

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Other Bits:

Some continue to be written or revised.

Additions and Revisions
To help you find the most recent information this page contains direct links to new pages and those most recently revised.

Voices from the Past

On 20th October 2009, we started publishing a weekly "Filby News" bulletin on the Village Voice page.
Then we got to wondering what our forebears considered worthy of record and what they were doing one hundred and twenty years ago. This page is the result. Since January 2010 we have published, month by month, the Victorian equivalent of Village Voice starting with January 1890.


This building is a bit special as it is one of the last two structures in the village incorporating 'clay lump' in their construction.

Clubs & Groups

If you wish to publicise your club or organisation, and it is based in Filby or relevant to our village, please email the webmaster at the address at the bottom of every page.

Rev. 10th April 2016