From the 16th July 2009 meetings have been held in the Clubroom, Main Road at 2.00 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month
New members are always welcomed
For more information please contact:
Valerie Brock - Secretary Filby WI
Phone 01493 720014
Women's Institute Reports
This page carries the Secretary's monthly reports on the institute's activities for 2014.
The latest reports will be found on the W.I. main page or by following the link at the top to Village Voice.
- the W.I. reports for 2009 and 2010.
- the W.I. reports for 2011.
- the W.I. reports for 2012.
- the W.I. reports for 2013.
- the W.I. reports for 2015.
22nd December 2014
President Jan Howard welcomed members to the Christmas Party in the Club Room on 18th December.
Minutes of the previous meeting were passed.
May Wanless was given a bowl of hyacinth bulbs as a thank you for organising the outings during the year.
Vivien Moore was thanked for sorting out the orders from the Webb Ivory Catalogue.
A date for a lunch in the Spring will be given out next month.
Lyn Ridpath and her husband had done a Quiz to raise money for the Chairman's Challenge which is to go towards refurbishing the Members' Room at Federation House. A final total of £101.00 is to be sent. Lyn was given a gift for her husband thanking him for the printing,etc. The 3 prize winners were announced.
Birthday posies were for Valerie Brock and Margaret Coe.
A big raffle had many winners.
A box was available for donations for the childrens' charity 'Mary's Meals' instead of members exchanging Christmas Cards.
A lovely bring and share party was then enjoyed by members.
Jan then had us joining in two party games.
A vote of thanks from members to her was given by Valerie Brock.
The happy afternoon ended with everyone singing 'We wish you a Merry Christmas'.
7th December 2014
The next meeting is 18th December at 2.00pm in the Filby Club Room. Please bring cutlery and your own drink along with "bring and share" party food. Also bring the completed form from the latest WI Life Magazine showing which Resolution you wish to go forward for selection next year at the National Annual Meeting.
Back25th November 2014
After the singing of Jerusalem, President Jan Howard welcomed members, guests and WI Adviser Margaret Collingwood to the Annual Meeting. Minutes of the previous meeting were read, approved and signed.
An invitation from Catfield WI to attend their party was accepted. Sylvia Cushing's entry for the Federation Arts and Crafts Competition 'That Song' was read out. The winner to be announced at the Annual Meeting in March next year. Some members are joining in the project to knit Snuggle Squares and Blankets for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the N&N Hospital. Also knitting small animals to sell to raise funds for them.
Lottery Bonus Ball winner was Janice Green.
Raffle prize winner Doreen Holliday.
Birthday posies made by Janet Laxon were for Lyn, Chris, Angela Beeston and Doreen Holliday.
Piece of cake and cup of tea were sold for £1 to raise funds. Also there was a 50/50 sale to raise funds.
Margaret Collingwood told us about her involvement in the Federation Choir.
Official business then took place. The Treasurer gave out copies of the Financial Report and answered any queries which members had. She thanked members for their support with fund raising etc over the year. All expenses go up every year so fund raising is very important. The Secretary read out the Committee's report outlining all the activities and speakers during the year. Finally the President gave her report in which she thanked everyone for the support given her during the year. The vote of thanks to the President was given by Stella Cotton. Stella also read out the speakers booked for next year.
Committee for next year is President Jan Howard, Secretary Valerie Brock and Treasurer Lyn Ridpath. May Wanlass, Sue Smith and Vivien Moore. Stella is stepping down from the Committee after being on it since December 1989. Jan presented her with a WI Centenary Bone China Cup and Saucer with our thanks for the hard work over the years. Vivien is to take over the job of arranging speakers for 2016. Members were asked if anyone would like to take over Stella's role as our Photographer and keeper of the Photo Album in the future.
10th November 2014
The next meeting on 20th November at 2.00pm in the Club Room is our Annual Meeting and Social Afternoon.
Please bring any items you may have for the 50/50 sale with price on them. Cake and cup of tea will be available for £1.00.
If you have ordered a Gazette for next year please bring £3.00. Also bring £5 if you haven't already paid for the Coach to Warners.
21st October 2014
President Jan Howard welcomed members and one guest to the monthly meeting in the Club Room.
After the singing of Jerusalem the Speaker, Award Winning Butcher Andrew Edmonds, was introduced. He gave a very interesting talk whilst we enjoyed samples of his lovely sausages. We were also able to buy products he brought with him. After a very good question and answer session, the vote of thanks was given by Sue Smith.
Members then had delicious cakes made by Diane Smith with a cup of tea.
Then down to business.
Minutes were read, approved and signed.
At the next meeting in November a 50/50 sale will be held and piece of cake and cup of tea for £1.00. Both events being to raise funds for our WI.
We are decorating a Christmas Tree again this year for the Christmas Tree Festival and our theme is Buttons and Bows. Members were asked if they had any items they could lend for this project.
Christmas Party bring and share food list was passed round. Our Christmas charity this year is 'Mary's Child' for orphaned children abroad.
Orders were taken for the Group Photograph taken in September by Keith Johnson.
The Apple Tree day held in Filby recently had been very successful and members who had made cakes and helped with serving refreshments were thanked.
Lottery Bonus Ball Winner was Ella Slean.
Raffle winner was Sylvia Cushing.
Birthday flowers were for Molly, Linda, Elaine Ellis and Janet.
Flowers were also given to Monica Betts who was returning after illness.
22nd September 2014
President Jan Howard welcomed members to the September meeting in the Club Room.
After the singing of Jerusalem the speaker, Mr. Thomas Harrison, gave a very interesting talk about Joan of Arc.
He has a vast collection of postcards, stamps and posters depicting Joan over the years. He answered members questions after his talk.
Vote of thanks was given by Pam Pritchett.
The business part of the meeting took place after refreshments. The minutes were read and passed.
The Treasurer told members about the cost of subscriptions next year and explained the breakdown of where the money goes.
An invitation had been received from Ormesby for their party on 8th October.
Raffle was won by Sylvia Cushing.
Birthday flowers were for Jan and Doreen Thompson.
After the meeting members went outside to have a group photograph taken by Keith Johnson for an exhibition to be held next year at Gressenhall to celebrate the 100 year anniversary of the Women's Institute.
25th August 2014
President Jan Howard welcomed members to the August meeting in the Club Room.
The speaker was Hazel Gillingham who gave a very interesting talk about the very caring Mary Seacole - The other nurse in the Crimea. Vote of thanks was given by Jan.
After refreshments the Minutes of the last meeting were taken as read.
£100.20 had been raised at the Garden Party for Breast Cancer Care.
Margaret Coe was thanked for hosting a lunch and swim at her home recently. She was a given a Garden Voucher as a thank you. A mystery auction organised by Margaret raised £61.00. This is to go towards cost of coach to our Christmas lunch in November. Balance of £5 from each member is to be paid either in September or October.
More knitted Teddies have been taken to the International Aid Trust.
Some members will be going to Sea Palling meeting on 2nd September when there will be a Fashion Show put on by Edinburgh Woollen Mills.
Visit to David Howkins Museum on King Street on 8th September, meet there at 10.15am.
Names were taken for Harnser Group Meeting on 29th October at Scratby Village Hall when speaker will be Alan Gray from East Ruston Gardens.
Birthday posies were for Caroline Nicker and Kate Foster.
50p draw was won by May Wanless.
17th July 2014
On 17th July, the hottest day of the year, President Jan Howard and Filby WI members met in the beautiful garden at the home of Chris Martin to enjoy a delicious Strawberry Tea with local strawberries, homemade jam, scones and shortbread. Money was raised for Breast Cancer Care with a big raffle. Guess the calories in the cake competition won by Rita Hill and a stall with plants supplied by Sue Smith. The winner of the monthly Lottery Bonus Ball competition was Molly Dorrington. Birthday posies made by Janet Laxon were for Betty Burchell and Sue Smith. Vote of thanks to Chris and the Committee was given by Linda Palmer. Jan Howard gave Chris a gift for hosting the afternoon.
Back7th July 2014
Garden Party at Chris's house on 17th July at 2.00pm. Orders being taken for 2015 WI Diaries and Calendars. Please bring £15.95 to book meal at Warners,Corton. Usual trading stall at the party. Raffle and 'Guess the Calories in cake' competition proceeds for Breast Cancer Care.
Please bring a garden chair if possible.
23rd June 2014
President Jan Howard welcomed 29 members to the June meeting in the Club Room.
The speaker for the afternoon was John Garner, who along with his wife, talked about, and showed films of, the work they do at 'Foxy Lodge' Wildlife Rescue Centre at Hemsby. They brought with them a delightful, very young Muntjac Deer who had been orphaned at birth. It is hard work looking after the rescued birds and animals, but a very worthwhile and rewarding job. The vote of thanks was given by Lyn Ridpath.
After refreshments, Minutes of the previous meeting were read, approved and signed. May Wanless was thanked for arranging the outing to the Bure Valley Railway recently on a very hot afternoon. A delicious afternoon tea was enjoyed in the station restaurant at Aylsham.
Invitations to Catfield WI's Cream Tea in July and Sea Palling WI's Fashion Show in September were accepted.
Jan gave an update on the new planting in our flower bed on the Pound. All plants are to attract the bees.
Federation Annual Report was given by Valerie Brock.
Lottery Bonus Ball Winner was Valerie Brock.
Birthday Posies made by Janet Laxon were for Daphne Newton and Sue Dawes.
Birthday Card embroidered by Stella Cotton was given to Pam Pritchett for her birthday next month.
50p draw was won by Stella Cotton.
Outings - Margaret Coe has invited a dozen members to her home on 15th August for a swim and lunch.
We are going to Warners Holiday Park, Corton on 27th November for a Christmas Lunch followed by an 'in house' Pantomime.
19th May 2014
President Jan Howard welcomed 31 members, including new member Sue Dawes, to the meeting on 15th May in Filby Club Room.
Jan was our speaker for the afternoon and she gave a talk about the «Titanic». First of all telling us about the Titanic itself and passed round pictures of the luxurious interior. She also read out menus which were available in all different classes. On board were 13 Honeymoon couples and Jan highlighted 6 couples telling us about their ages, backgrounds, lives and what happened to them in the disaster. The talk was very interesting illustrating how such happiness quickly ended for some.
Vote of thanks was given by Stella Cotton.
Refreshments followed with tea and cake for £1. This being a fund raiser for our WI.
Minutes of the previous meeting were taken as read with no matters arising.
At the start of business Jan thanked the Committee for the hard work behind the scenes for the Birthday party last month.
Members were asked if they had details of interesting speakers to be considered for our programme next year.
The resolution to be discussed at the Annual Meeting in Leeds was «Increased Organ Donations». Jan started this off with members joining in the debate. The vote was 30 for with one abstention.
Birthday posies made by Janet Laxon were for Monica Betts, Stella Cotton, Margaret Riseborough and May Wanless.
Garden voucher and card was given to Elaine Ellis who had recently celebrated her Ruby Wedding Anniversary.
Raffle was won by Margaret Coe.
Invitations were accepted from Caister on Sea and Hemsby for their birthday parties.
28th April 2014
President Jan Howard welcomed 29 members, new member Doreen Holliday, former Fed. Chairman Sally Paramour, Fed. Secretary Cindy Brookes, Daphne Howlett, Gail Armstrong and guests from 9 local WIs to celebrate our 80th birthday on 24th April 2014.
Minutes were taken as read with matters arising nil.
We have ordered 2 WI Rose bushes for planting in our flower bed on the Pound. The next meeting in May will be a fund raiser with tea and piece of cake for £1.00.
A buffet bought in from Buttonwick Bakery with delicious desserts made by Committee members was greatly enjoyed.
The entertainment was provided by Dale Bullimore who was a singer with a lovely voice. He sang a variety of old and modern songs and was given a standing ovation at the end of his performance.
Jan gave the vote of thanks.
The raffle was drawn with several prizes to be won.
Lottery Bonus Ball winner was Janet Laxon.
Birthday posy was for Janice Green and card for Diane Smith.
Jan presented the ex-Presidents with an Easter Cacti each. Margaret Sexton 70/71/72, Monica Betts 74/75/76, Molly Dorrington 87/88/89/90/91, Jocelyn Hall 93/94/95, Stella Cotton 96/97/98 and Pam Pritchett 99/2000/01.
Margaret Sexton gave a vote of thanks on behalf of them all.
Cindy Brookes presented Jan with a Certificate from the Federation to celebrate our 80th birthday.
All members were given a decorated cup cake and souvenir booklet compiled by Jan and designed by Rev. G. Steel.
On behalf of us all Lyn Ridpath gave Jan a bouquet to thank her for making the evening such a success.
14th April 2014
Next meeting 24th April 6.30pm for 7.00pm Fleggburgh Village Hall to celebrate 80th birthday, members and invited guests.
Visit to Moulton Nurseries on 22nd May meet there 2.00pm.
Please bring £11.00 to May meeting if you have put your name down for Bure Valley Railway trip on 9th June. Also £3.95 if you want to order Afternoon Tea.
24th March 2014
The monthly meeting was held in the Club Room on 20th March. President Jan Howard welcomed members and introduced new member Kate Foster.
Speaker for the afternoon was David Morton talking about, and showing slides of, St James Palace and Clarence House. He always makes his talks interesting and answered several questions afterwards. Vote of thanks was given by Vivien Moore.
After refreshments minutes of the last meeting were read,approved and signed.
Details of a notice from Sea Palling regarding their Clothes/Swish on 9th April were read out.
Business - May Wanless was thanked for organising the visit to the East Coast Family Restaurant for lunch. This had been enjoyed very much by all. Names were taken for the Harnser Group Meeting. We are tea hostesses and home made biscuits will be available.
Members donated unwanted wearable 'Bra's' for a project being run by Norwich All Saints WI. They will be sent to Africa where there is a short supply of affordable bras. 'Against Breast Cancer' will receive a donation based on the weight of bras collected.
Stella Cotton was the winner of the 5p competition. There was £60 in the big bottle. Stella had guessed £55.00. Margaret Coe had given the money for our funds and gave a beautiful Jane Asher Cake Stand for the competition winner.
Lottery Bonus Ball winner was Doreen Thompson.
Raffle prize winner was Molly Dorrington.
Birthday posies made by Monica Betts were for Olga March and Tricia Gillett.
Outings - A trip on the Bure Valley Railway on 9th June is being organised.
11th March 2014
Filby WI next meet on 20th March at 2.00pm in the Club Room. Speaker will be David Morton talking about St James Palace and Clarence House.
Please pay £4 to the Treasurer at this meeting towards cost of 80th Birthday Party in April.
24th February 2014
The monthly meeting was held in the Club Room on 20th February. President Jan Howard welcomed 29 members and 2 guests: Kate Foster and Gail Bradley. Gail lives in Devon but is visiting as many WIs in the country as she can. Filby was the 330th WI she has visited. See her blog on for her report.
Speaker for the afternoon was Jonathon Smith who showed slides and talked about local Heritage Walks. Vote of thanks was given by Daphne Newton. After refreshments the Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Invitations from Rollesby and Winterton WIs were accepted for their parties. Members were updated with details of the party in April and asked to contribute £4 each towards the costs. This to be paid at the March meeting.
The flower beds on the Village Pound have been re-organised and we have a new bed in the middle instead of the one we have looked after in between the trees since 1998. Our spring flowers have been re-set in the new bed.
Lottery Bonus Ball winner was Daphne Newton.
50p draw winner was Doreen Thompson.
Next outing is for a 2 course lunch on 13th March at the East Coast Family Restaurant.
Birthday posies or cards were for Vivien Moore, Helen Scott, June Pratt and Ann Chapman. Ann had recently celebrated a 'special' birthday and was also given a box of chocolates.
11th February 2014
Next meeting of Filby WI is 20th February in the Club Room at 2.00pm.Speaker Mr Jonathon Smith 'Heritage Walks'. Please note a lunch has been booked at the East Coast Restaurant (formerly The Wheelstop) on 13th March. Deposit of £5 is required at the February meeting if you wish to go.
Back05th January 2014
President Jan Howard welcomed members to the January meeting in Filby Club Room.
The speaker for the afternoon was Rowena Hagger-Utting who spoke about the 4Women Resource Centre in Norwich. Her talk was very interesting and she answered several questions from members afterwards. Filby members had donated money for the Centre instead of exchanging Christmas Cards and this along with a box of assorted goods was gratefully received. Vote of thanks was given by May Wanless.
After refreshments the minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed. Matters arising - Ambitions Restaurant had cancelled our booking for 6th March due to exams taking place then. Another date and venue being organised later in the month.
Invitations had been received from Sea Palling for their party, South Walsham for a Member's meeting, Ormesby/Caister for their Neighbour's Meeting and a Coffee Morning in Ormesby on 8th March 2014 for 'Dementia UK'.
The majority of completed resolution forms were for 'More acute hospital beds'.
A donation has been sent to the Parish News to help with their costs.
The 50/50 sale had been a success last year and if any member has items they wish to sell this way to raise our funds, please bring details to any meeting during the year.
Another fund raiser is the Webb Ivory Catalogue where we get 25% commission from sales. Vivien Moore has taken on the job of doing this for us.
Margaret Coe had brought along a huge jar full of 5p pieces which she has given to our ACWW fund. Before the money goes members have the opportunity to win a prize by guessing how much is in the jar at 50p a guess.
Birthday cards were for Rita, Sylvia, Elaine Henwood and Angie.
Jan presented Stella Cotton with a voucher for being a continuous member of Filby WI for 25 years.
Raffle prize was won by Pam Pritchett.
05th January 2014
Filby WI next meet Thursday 16th January at 2.00pm in the Club Room.
Subs £34.70 due at this meeting.
Please also bring items knitted for the John Groom Court project also items to pass onto the speaker from 4Women Resource Centre in Norwich ie art work items, coffee, tea, toilet rolls, toiletries.
For more information on the Filby and District Womens Institute go to: Additional information
For details of officers, meetings, subscriptions etc. go to: Additional information
Details of our past programmes can be found at:
- The 2010 programme of meetings and events
- The 2009 programme of meetings and events
- The 2008 programme of meetings and events
- The 2007 programme of meetings and events